Thoughts From Recovery

Last month I had to have a total knee replacement. Being in recovery means I have had a lot of time to think as I anticipate a full return to health and my regular work schedule. One thing I’ve been thinking about is this Twitter thread:   Random Tweet: If you quit your job tomorrow, a month from now your bosses/coworkers will act like you never worked there and not waste a minute thinking about you. My friend’s response: So true. The loyalty mismatch between company and employees damages a lot of employees. Not for me personally, but I see […]

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Theology of Work

Many organizations I consult for are facing the same struggle. They’ve hit a wall and can’t figure out how to move forward, grow and successfully scale in their current context. Much of the time the barrier is the same: they’re still operating in the old paradigm where the secular is separate and unequal to the sacred. Theologically that’s simply not the case. We must be diligent about removing the veil between the sacred and the secular, and acknowledge that all of life is sacred space. Foundational to successfully operate in this new freedom requires that everyone can fully acknowledge and […]

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Occupying Digital

So proud of our OneHope Regional Director for East Africa, Ishmael Macharia, pioneering digital evangelism opportunities in Africa. This powerful composition applies not only to the churches in Africa, but should inspire all of us. I don’t think we fully understand the impact and opportunity that the digital disruption provides for the Church in our generation.   “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things were created through him and […]

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Kanye: Let Rappers Cry Out

But some of the Pharisees among the crowd said, “Teacher, rebuke your followers for saying things like that!” He replied, “If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!” But as he came closer to Jerusalem and saw the city ahead, he began to weep. Luke 19:39-41(NLT) Kanye West, controversial megastar rapper, has produced and released a new album called Jesus the King, and yes, it’s all about Jesus. This is the same Kanye who not so long ago declared, “I am a god, I don’t think there’s much more explanation…I am a god. Now what?” […]

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Learning From Pastors Todd and Julie Mullins

In honor of pastor appreciation month, I wanted to share what Kim and I have enjoyed learning from a local dynamic duo, Pastors Todd and Julie Mullins. Todd and Julie Mullins are the Senior Pastors of Christ Fellowship in West Palm Beach, Florida. Todd and Julie took over the leadership from Todd’s parents, Tom and Donna Mullins, who began the church in their home with five families in attendance. Christ Fellowship currently has eight campuses throughout South Florida, plus online services, where more than 30,000 people attend each week.   Birds of a feather I was drawn to Todd as […]

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Rogue Waves: Is the risk worth the reward?

In 1979, a potentially huge oil field was discovered on the Grand Banks. It had the potential to restore economic hope to the fast-dwindling provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador. The location of the oil field, however, was treacherous – requiring oil rigs to be able to handle such threats as icebergs and severe storms. The Ocean Ranger mobile offshore drilling unit was hired to explore this opportunity. On the morning of Valentine’s Day 1982, the Ocean Ranger received a report of a strong winter storm forecast to hit later that day and last into the evening. They continued to drill. […]

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The Cheerios Moment

It seems like I blinked and one second Kim and I were driving our girls home from the hospital starting our family, and the next we were walking them down the aisle as they started theirs. While the newborn stage was great, Kim and I find some of our fondest memories come from the toddler phase of our girls’ lives. We celebrated when each one figured out how to sit up then start scooting around. The angels rejoiced when we sprinkled their highchair trays with little round O’s and the girls figured out how to get them into their own […]

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The Secret to Balancing Family and Ministry

My dad and I just got back from our annual “Mahi massacre” fishing trip. For many years we have set sail excited about quality father/son time, the thrill of the sport and some really good eats. But it’s also a chance for us to get out on the open waters. We can breathe deeply and think, talk, process and pray through life, ministry, and leadership issues with a handful of other key influencers — an “iron sharpening iron” experience. We anticipated some heavy questions and deep conversations, but the question of the day surprised us! Every guy on the boat […]

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Rob Hoskins Honoring Our Fathers

  I can’t think of a better way to honor my father than to share his incredible and inspiring story- Rob Hoskins. It’s a phenomenal story, really. My Dad, Bob Hoskins, has been tirelessly doing the Lord’s work for nearly 75 years — well beyond the age of retirement! As a seven-year-old boy, dad received a vision from the Lord and preached his first sermon just a few days later. His evangelistic outreaches as a boy brought thousands to Christ. His missionary journeys as a teenager launched new churches. Mom and Dad raised us in Lebanon, serving as missionaries in […]

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Parenting—the call of a lifetime

As we spend this month getting ready to celebrate Mother’s Day, there is joy and pain in equal measure around this day for many. Especially those who have lost their mother for any reason. Working for a global ministry that serves children and youth, I am deeply saddened by the worldwide epidemic of family brokenness. It increases the weight of the spiritual responsibility we carry as believers to be spiritual mothers and fathers to the young among us. Who better to share his heart on this topic than my friend, Jim Daly, who has personally experienced the pain of abandonment, […]

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