Schools, The Next Great Mission Field

I’ve seen the world – traveling to over one hundred nations through my work as the president of OneHope – and I’m convinced of one thing: children and youth in South Florida need God’s Word just as much as children and youth in the most desolate areas around the world. While the cultures and contexts I’ve seen over the years are vastly different, the primary need is the same: the next generation needs to experience the Gospel in a personal way and be discipled by their community as they continue to grow.   In our own backyard A few years […]

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Know Thy City: Steps to Effective Urban Ministry

You’re the God of this City You’re the King of these people You’re the Lord of this nation You are You’re the Light in this darkness You’re the Hope to the hopeless You’re the Peace to the restless You are There is no one like our God For greater things have yet to come And greater things are still to be done in this City ~Chris Tomlin “God of this City” lyrics   I am moved each time I hear this song affirming that our God is indeed God of this City. For those of us who are trying to […]

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Class in Session: Teen’s Mental Health

I’ve often said to my team that research is revelatory. Research removes assumptions and reveals what’s truly going on beneath the surface. As children and teens in Broward County and around the country settle back into their school routines, I’m reminded of the potential of the next generation – their ability to be creative and their zeal for causes that are making a difference. Generation Z, today’s teenagers, have grown up with technology in hand, and it’s changing the way they see and interact with the world. Behind the TikTok posts and the lighthearted YouTube videos they create something harmful […]

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Higher Education And Its Role In Higher Calling

In a culture that values success and status, it’s not surprising when people are willing to pay to keep up appearances. A Higher Calling I’m glad we don’t have to play that game. Jesus, our ultimate example, did the complete opposite of those who try to achieve – bigger, better, bragging rights. He became less to do more. I’m excited to be a part of a movement that’s been working for years to flip culture’s thinking about what success looks like and a higher calling than higher ed alone.   Thinking differently about education Gen Z is heading to college, […]

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Never underestimate how seemingly small incidents, circumstances, or experiences can end up changing your world. All of history is built from small catalysts.   Personal catalysts spark movements A young Peter the Great found a small British skiff in his family’s palace storage that had been given as a gift long ago. He restored it and learned to sail – the catalyst for his drive to build his nation all the way to the Pacific – making Russia a world power. John Ambrose Fleming, the great inventor, was going deaf and was compelled “to find some instrument to record radio telegraphic signals which […]

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Leading Community With Friendly Competition

We love a little bit of friendly competition around the OneHope office, and occasionally during lunch we will break out the backgammon boards. Vice Presidents will go head to head, moving each piece hoping to be declared the victor. The leadership team may play against the youngest members of our staff. Novice players will learn from more experienced players and vice versa. The game is a perfect blend of skill and luck, so even a beginner can beat someone more experienced once in a while. Anyone who wants to play can join, and it always ends in good fun…but not […]

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Education Is Mission

As churches look to the changing landscape of the future, explosion of choice is clouding a clear sightline. With so many opportunities for ministry, how do you choose what will make a lasting impact? Psychologist Barry Schwartz describes the shackles freedom of choice binds us with in his book The Paradox of Choice. “… choice no longer liberates, but debilitates…But clinging tenaciously to all the choices available to us contributes to bad decisions, to anxiety, stress, and dissatisfaction…” Let me highlight what I believe is one of the most critical dimensions of mission activity in the world today. It’s the […]

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Corporate Prayer: Worth The Investment

For a few hours every year, the daily work of OneHope’s ministry comes to an abrupt halt. An intentional pause and recalibration. The OneHope team participates in corporate times of prayer. Although these gatherings cost thousands of dollars in manpower, they are undoubtedly worth the return on investment.  We meet to publicly glorify God and acknowledge His Lordship. This cultivates humility in our hearts and redirects us back to the Lord we serve and the mission He has given us.  The OneHope team works across many time zones and in an array of different ministry contexts. Prayer unifies us. We […]

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Six Myths About Research

One of the first questions I ask leaders who want input on a new idea is, “What does your research say?” I’m shocked at how few have good research in hand before launching major initiatives. I think research scares most people. However, we have found that research is revelatory and vital. Maybe debunking these six myths about research will help demystify the process.   Myth #1: Research tells you the truth Research reports don’t give you big, mind blowing conclusions. Instead, they provide a better understanding of the reality of your present circumstances. A good research report guides you on […]

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God Said Turn Right

I always drive the same route to work. One day while sitting at a red light a few blocks away from the office on a double-booked kind of day, I distinctly heard the Holy Spirit tell me to, “Take a right.” Not one to argue with the Lord, I clicked on my blinker and made the right turn. My curious eyes drank in the new sights on a road I’ve never driven before. My unexpected right turn landed me in an urban community, called Avondale, made up of nine hundred residences that house over 3,000 people – mostly Hispanic and African […]

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