How Screens Are Killing Teens

Not only am I fascinated by trends, I believe they hold predictive indicators. When studied, these trends allow us foresight into coming areas of need and potential for ministry opportunities. I recently read a report with compelling evidence showing a strong correlation between increased amounts of screen time among teens and increases in depression and suicidal ideation and attempts.[1] Suicide in teens This trend is particularly alarming because the new “normal” is actually quite abnormal. It’s become natural for this generation of digital natives to spend an average 7.5 hours[1] on screens daily just for purposes of entertainment–not including school […]

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Billy Graham’s Incredible Legacy

God draws the most beautiful circles. [On February 20th] we had the honor of publicly dedicating Billy Graham’s great great grandson to the Lord. This baby’s mother prayed, “Lord, You give me a son, and I’ll give him back to You.”   “O love that will not let me go, I cast my weary soul on thee. I give thee back the life I owe…” This prayer of utter selflessness carries unimaginable consecration and devotion to the purposes of the Lord. What a beautiful testament to the legacy of a man and his family who lived out, “My home is […]

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Leading Through Change

Once your organization has been “steady” or has experienced growth and momentum in any area, it’s time to mature and grow into the next iteration of becoming who God wants you to be. It’s the job of the leaders to work together to co-create the next evolution of the organization’s culture. Bob Goff asks himself, “What does the next best version of myself look like?” He then challenges himself to become that guy. “The only things that evolve by themselves in an organization are disorder, friction, malperformance,” said Peter Drucker. While from the outside much appears to remain the same, […]

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5 Essentials for Marketplace Missions

There’s been a huge shift in how business and missions intertwine. No longer can missionaries simply plan to find employment in the field. In most places, they must now create an enterprise that will serve the population in order to gain access to the people they desire to reach.   Discover Effective ministry begins with having a crystal clear understanding of reality. Discovery tests our assumptions and reveals the true condition of our communities. Simply put, discovery is reasonable research. A combination of primary, secondary, qualitative, and quantitative research methods are used to discover the truth, which becomes foundational for […]

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Collaboration: How to Boost Success in 2018

Collaboration isn’t a new idea. You see it everywhere: Spotify + Starbucks Apple + Hermes The Global Fund + Gap: “PRODUCT (RED)” GoPro + Red Bull: “Stratos” At OneHope, we recognize the value of collaboration. We’ve seen success in our partnership with Evangelism Explosion to produce a program that has trained millions of children around the world to share their faith with millions more. OneHope’s collaboration with YouVersion produced the Bible App For Kids, which has become the #1 kids Bible app in the world. Lead Today, produced through our partnership with John Maxwell, is being integrated in high schools […]

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Celebrating 30 Years of Reaching Children

If you grew up in the church like I did, you’re familiar with the lyrics of a sweet song often played during the altar call, when people were invited to come forward and indicate their decision to follow Christ … “I have decided to follow Jesus / No turning back, no turning back.”   It’s a song for the beginning of your relationship with Jesus … but it’s also a song that carries you along the way. “The world behind me, the cross before me … No turning back, no turning back.”   As OneHope remembers and celebrates 30 years […]

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Why The Church Can’t Be Colorblind

“Perhaps the most powerful weapon we have, in having significance in our life and an impact on the world, is the love we have for each other.”- Rob Hoskins Discussing race, cultural diversity, and equality can be a harrowing ordeal because of all the differing perspectives and opinions on these topics. Especially on the heels of yet another racially charged attack, this time in Charlottesville, VA. Yet, regardless of the challenges to navigate, these are necessary conversations to have if we desire to see wrongs righted, hurts healed and a Church that reflects the heart of God. Don’t be colorblind […]

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A Biblical View of our Escalating Culture of Violence

Violence is familiar to me, having grown up in Beirut, Lebanon and spent most of my life traveling to the neediest places on earth. Many times I have experienced the scourge of deadly warfare. Yet recent shootings in Michigan, Louisiana, Minnesota and Texas and recent terror attack in my adopted country of France hit closer to home. While the circumstances are different, the underlying causes that perpetuate a culture of distrust and hysteria, that escalates and threatens to shove society into the oncoming traffic of anger and hate remains the same.   Othering It’s what philosopher Michael Foucault referred to […]

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