
“Overcomer” Brings Faith, Humor and Inspiration

What do you allow to define you? This question invites each of us to reflect on our identity and what it looks like to craft a meaningful life. “Overcomer,” a new film debuting on August 23, 2019, takes viewers on a journey as the characters wrestle with this question themselves.   From the makers of “Facing the Giants,” “Fireproof,” “Courageous,” and the number one box-office hit, “War Room,” is a story of redemption and healing intertwined with humor and an ending that will warm your heart for days. This movie is for anyone seeking inspiration and wisdom on how to overcome […]

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PALAU the Movie to Release Digitally

The Luis Palau Association, Ollawood Productions and Rivka Entertainment Group announced today the forthcoming digital release of PALAU the Movie, a feature film based on the life of international evangelist Luis Palau. The film will be available on iTunes and Amazon on August 6, 2019, followed by DVD release on September 10, 2019. The film, which premiered to significant acclaim, was produced to honor the legacy of Luis Palau and directly support his ongoing global ministry. The digital release comes shortly after its limited theatrical release throughout the United States and Central and South America in April 2019. The film […]

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Good News Wants to Know… What book do you recommend for Summer?

This summer many look forward to relaxing on the beach or by the pool with a good book. So this month, Good News Wants to Know… What is a book you would highly recommend and why? Also, what book are you looking forward to reading this summer?   As part of the Luis Palau National Women’s Prayer Team,  I am looking forward to reading Palau: A Life on Fire, scheduled for release June 4.  It is the spiritual memoir of Luis Palau – often referred to as the Latin Billy Graham.  Just days after being diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer, Luis […]

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“Emanuel” Documentary Is A Need To See

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that,” said Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.   I do not really know how to write about a subject like this. I feel emotionally overwhelmed and severely unqualified. Yet, the makers of the new documentary, “Emanuel,” manage to not only talk about the tragic Charleston church shooting but to also show the reality of the event in a historical context while telling the personal stories of both the victims and the survivors. On June 17th, 2015, the city of Charleston […]

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“Jesus: His Life” A Provocative Drama-Doc With A Twist

Ahhhh! The Lenten season is upon us — filled with opportunities to introduce the unbeliever to Christ and renew our own faith through a myriad of media programming on the life, death and resurrection of Our Lord and Savior. There is something powerful in sharing the Gospel (aka ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told’) visually, depicting Jesus’ teachings, sacrifice and triumph for us 21st century spectators. But what if we could see Jesus Christ through the eyes of those who knew Him the most? Who loved Him? Who despised Him? Premiering Monday, March 25th at 8pm ET/PT the History Channel will […]

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Unplanned: Abby Johnson’s Change of Heart

Abby Johnson was still in college when she first encountered Planned Parenthood at an on-campus information booth. A representative for the abortion provider told her it existed to help women — and Abby was sold. She didn’t know at the time the organization was the nation’s leading abortion provider. In short order, Abby began volunteering in 2001 at a Planned Parenthood facility in Bryan, Texas. One of her first responsibilities was to escort women coming for an abortion. She often encountered individuals from the 40 Days for Life outreach. They stood in front of the abortion facility, praying and offering […]

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Record Number of Faith-Based Films Coming to Theaters in 2019

Many complain about the worldly Hollywood movies, but as the saying goes, “It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness.” In 2019, the theaters will see a record number of these candles – faith-based films – in theaters with a diverse range of powerful, life-changing messages. These films touch the unchurched and also inspire believers. A well-made, faith-based film is like a carefully-crafted, illustrated sermon; it will grab people’s attention and then touch their hearts. Releases for 2019 Some of these films will play in a very limited number of theaters while others will be wide releases.  Check […]

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“Run the Race” Tells The Story of A Loving God Overcoming An Unloving World

From Executive Producers Tim Tebow (yes, that Tim Tebow) and Robby Tebow comes the new faith-based film “Run the Race.” Premiering this February, “Run the Race” is a movie that aims to show, not just tell, the real-world, lived-out truthfulness of Romans 8:28: “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Nothing cliché here; no waxing poetic or sputtering pithy bumper sticker proverbs. When dealing with the topic of suffering, “Run the Race” is more content to simply sit in the […]

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“The Least of These” – The Eye-Opening Story of Missionary Graham Staines

An unbelievable display of love, “The Least of These” captures the missionary journey of the late Graham Staines, an Australian missionary, whose incessant dedication to the lepers of India attracted speculative media investigation, leading to his martyrdom in 1999. Opening in theaters February 1, 2019, this movie marks the 20th anniversary of Staines’ horrific assassination for serving the outcast lepers of India – one of the most severe persecutions in the history of Christianity. “The death of Dr. Graham Staines, 58, director of the Leprosy Mission in Baripada, Orissa, India, and translator of the New Testament into the Ho tribe […]

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Inspiring Faith-Based Films Coming to Theaters in 2019

There are many methods and ministries being used to reach and touch people’s lives.  In recent years the growing number of quality faith-based films have truly been lights in the darkness of thousands of movie theaters.  People have wept, rejoiced, been encouraged, and many have had their lives changed by the diverse messages in these films. This article gives a first glimpse into the exciting line-up of these films coming to theaters this year.   Faith-Based Theatrical Releases for 2019 The list of films for 2019 is still being finalized, so additional films will be added later. (Follow for […]

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