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A Biblical “BE MINE”

February is generally thought of as “The Month of Love” because of “the day of love”—February 14, Valentine’s Day. If you are anything like me, you probably have some memories of grade school (or as a parent of your own child) and the “mandatory” valentine card that was to be given out to each student. You couldn’t miss anyone; everyone in your class had to receive a card, so no one’s feelings would be hurt. When our four children were growing up, Kim and called it “Frantic February 14th” (unless the day fell on the weekend, making it “Frantic Friday”), […]

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Lonely Gates

The first eight years of my life I had the privilege of living in many different places, some of them exotic, some beautiful, some cold, some strange, some familiar. Perhaps you had a similar upbringing. I cherish those experiences. One of the places I lived was a small town in North Carolina, called Montreat. Montreat was a great place to grow up as a child because we were able to explore the streams, mountain paths, forests and allow our imagination to run wild in what could easily be the land that time forgot. One thing unique about this town was […]

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Rebuilding Together Broward Restores The Heart of Communities Through Revitalization

When hundreds of volunteers descend on a community in a day, they can transform a decaying city block into a friendly neighborhood infused with a renewed pride in ownership and appreciation for the kindness of others. This is the impact of Rebuilding Together Broward County and the partnerships they have cultivated to eliminate unsafe and deplorable living conditions for low-income homeowners who are elderly, veterans or have disabilities. It extends beyond repairing each individual home and helps stabilize much of the vulnerable neighborhoods in which they live. “When you lift a few houses, you lift an entire community,” noted Traci […]

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Violence In The Land

Josephus, the ancient historian who chronicled first century Jewish history in The Jewish War, says that 12,000 Jews died when the Roman general Pompey captured Jerusalem in 63 BC. Another Jewish text from the period described the brutal violence of these events this way: “The lawless one laid waste our land, so that no one inhabited it; They massacred young and old and children at the same time… As the enemy was a stranger and his heart alien to our God, he acted arrogantly.” They were violent times The Jewish ruler Archelaus killed 3000 Jews in 4 BC, massacres occurred […]

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Doing Life While Doing Time

The whole thing seemed so futile. They were down three touchdowns with less than a minute to play. The quarterback got the ball and hurled it downfield as far as possible hoping that one wearing his jersey would catch it. But if he did, so what? There was not enough time to make a comeback; why not just “take a knee” and leave it at that? Yet, time and time again this scenario is played out during fall weekends. The reason given… competitors do not stop playing until the clock strikes zero.   Clock management It is interesting to note […]

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Dealing with Relationship Cancer: Anger

Some children hear the word “No” and they become frustrated or argue. They are disappointed, but they remain in control. Other children hear the same word and explode into rage. Some adults can discuss differences of opinion and work through conflict. Other adults only need to be inconvenienced the least bit on the highway and they explode into rage. It is all about anger! Anger is arguably the most debilitating relationship cancer there is. When a parent sees rage explode out of their child, there is a feeling of helplessness. When an adult sees rage erupt from their spouse, fear […]

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God Said Turn Right

I always drive the same route to work. One day while sitting at a red light a few blocks away from the office on a double-booked kind of day, I distinctly heard the Holy Spirit tell me to, “Take a right.” Not one to argue with the Lord, I clicked on my blinker and made the right turn. My curious eyes drank in the new sights on a road I’ve never driven before. My unexpected right turn landed me in an urban community, called Avondale, made up of nine hundred residences that house over 3,000 people – mostly Hispanic and African […]

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‘I’m With Franklin!’ Petition Launched to Defend Franklin Graham Against Left-wing Attack

The “I’m With Franklin Petition D. James Kennedy Ministries (DJKM) is mounting an “I’m With Franklin!” signature campaign to counter a left-wing group’s attack aimed at removing Graham as President and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse. The I’m With Franklin! open letter is located at DJKM.org where visitors may sign it in support of Graham. Click here to sign the petition. Faithful America’s Claim Faithful America—a group originally founded by the National Council of Churches and funded in the past by George Soros—is petitioning for Graham’s removal over an online post in which he said […]

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Christian Business Directory Founder C. A. “Lon” Smith Passes at 79

Founder of The Christian Business Directory, Cecil Alonza “Lon” Smith, of Fort Lauderdale, went home to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, on January 23, 2021 in the comfort of his home with his family.   Lon  (as he was known), spent the first part of his career in the food industry working for Kellogg’s and Kitchens of the Oceans, where he became the national sales manager traveling the country, before turning to establishing his own business, The Christian Business Directory. He enjoyed Christian counseling, having a radio program, and serving his savior Jesus Christ. His heart was […]

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What’s the one thing in your closet you would never throw away?

During the New Year, there’s a tendency to purge the old and bring in something new.  With that in mind, Good News Wants to Know… What’s the one thing in your closet you would never throw away? Why? One thing I would never throw away. My 9/11 items. Crazy; my shoes worn in the pit during the WTC cleanup. Covered in “dust,” wrapped in a bag — seemed like we walked on holy ground. Also saved news articles and a hat remembering FDNY firefighter, Michael Ragusa. Karen Granger, Community Relations Director, Palm Beach County, 4KIDS Palm Beach An ancient athlete always has something […]

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