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An ongoing “discussion” (more like a friendly war, really) here at the Good News offices is Apple vs. Google / iPhone vs. Android. Whichever technology brand you are loyal to, make sure you’re using your smartphone to actually make you smarter by subscribing to one or more of the podcasts below. Northpoint Community Church – Andy Stanley Andy Stanley is the Senior Pastor of Northpoint Community Church near Atlanta, Georgia, and is the son of renowned pastor Charles Stanley. Known for his conversational teaching style, Stanley delivers sound biblical truth in a way that is relatable and applicable for the […]

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Disarming Karma

The amazing thing about grace is that it has no limits or boundaries. It is free, unconditional and unmerited. Biblical grace is a contradiction to almost everything that American society thinks should happen in the world. But the world continuously promotes the idea of anti-Christian karma and, most of the time, it is easy to just smile and agree with this proposition. Why? Because the truth is that even most Christians are afraid of grace because it takes control out of their hands. Karma makes sense while grace seems irrational. Karma and the Disciples Karma made a lot of sense […]

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An Impossible Choice

Only a few years ago, the 50 percent HIV/AIDS infection rate on Mfangano Island, one of Kenya’s poorest communities, was among the highest in the world. A culture of prostitution and sexual promiscuity facilitated the rapid spread of HIV which ultimately decimated an entire generation. Like so many of his generation, a man by the name of Thomas contracted HIV. He died leaving his wife, Benta, and three daughters destitute and alone. Benta was fortunate to have a place to live, though it was little more than a mud hut with no electricity or running water. Working odd jobs she […]

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Banning Healing

On September 29, 2012, California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law a bill banning “reparative” or “conversion” therapy for minors. The law will take effect on January 1, 2013 and states that “no mental health professional will be able to provide to anyone under the age of 18 therapy that seeks to change behaviors or gender expressions, or to eliminate or reduce sexual or romantic attractions or feelings toward individuals of the same sex regardless of the willingness of a patient or a patient’s parent. Mental health providers who violate the law will be subject to discipline by whatever group […]

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Rethinking Discipleship

What comes to mind when you think of discipleship? Is discipleship a life of moral reform or inner spirituality? Is discipleship serving soup lines and social activism in the name of Jesus? Is discipleship a doctrinal course or a forty-day Bible program that a person completes and then suddenly pops out as a disciple? Discipleship has become one of the Christian “buzz words” today, and for good reason. Thankfully, there seems to be a growing group of young people who are seriously seeking to follow Christ and obey his command to “make disciples.” But what is a disciple? Why is […]

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What Color Is Your Holiday?

Bing Crosby sang he was dreaming of a “White Christmas”. Merchants see the holidays in hues of green. A large number of people see this season in red for the over-extended debt they accumulate. Then there are those whose holiday color is blue as in “feeling blue.” For many, this is a time of year full of rich traditions, beautiful decorations, festive celebrations and wonderful memories. However, for another large group of people, it is a season of depression, anxiety and the holiday blues. Why do so many dread this season every year? If you are in this latter group, […]

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Is Tithing for Today?

Commentary Does the Bible teach that tithing (giving 10% of our income/increase) is the essential and enduring requirement for Christian giving? Christians through the years have supported this based on various scriptures, reasoning that since the Old Testament patriarchs like Abraham and Jacob gave tithes at certain times, then the practice must be God’s abiding standard. Since tithing appeared before the law, it must transcend the law. This argument, however, has many flaws and, after careful review of scripture, we discover that there is no formula or percentage for how much we ought to give. Giving is a matter of […]

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Do Religion and Politics Mix?

You have probably heard the old saying, “Two things we never talk about around here are religion and politics.” Why do people say that or think that way? It is because both of those issues are very personal. People can feel passionate about either one and still feel that they are a private matter. However, the main reason is usually the fear of conflict. It is one thing to talk about religion or politics but it is another thing to mix them. There is so much talk about the separation of church and state that Christians are often made to […]

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Unashamed Tour

For many Christians, it is a challenge to find Christian music that is as good as the mainstream music they enjoy. And, for most hip-hop fans, “Christian” and “rap” seem to be mutually exclusive terms. Is it possible to produce Christian hip-hop that is as good or better than the mainstream? Is it possible to be a hip-hop artist and live a Christian lifestyle fully devoted to God and devoid of the drugs, sex, greed and lies that secular hip-hop artists seem to live for? Lecrae Moore and his crew prove this possible. This fall, artists Lecrae, Tedashii, Trip Lee, […]

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Modern Day Idols

What is the one thing in your life that you can’t imagine living without? Pause for a moment and really think about it. What, if lost or removed from your life, would cause you great pain, despair and depression, removing your passion, drive and sense of self-worth? Perhaps it’s your job, or the money you earn from that job that provides you with a sense of significance and security. Maybe it’s a substance, such as drugs or alcohol, that you are addicted to and literally unable to live without. It could be a relationship, such as that with your boyfriend, […]

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