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10 Truths About Heaven

God created earth and every natural wonder within it. Why then are some not excited about Heaven? Why have we bought the lie that earth is the grand finale and that glory will look like believers sitting on clouds, strumming harps and singing thousand year-old hymns because we have to? This fallacy needs an overhaul. Imagine limitless energy, a glorified body and inhabiting a timeless paradise beyond any dream vacation we could purchase. Now dream bigger. That is a small taste of what Heaven is like. Re-wiring our preconceived mental image of eternity will help us gain a different perspective […]

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What Women Want in a Man

Women are looking for exactly what you see on the cover of magazines—a tanned guy with 8-pack abs, a sports car and loads of cash. That is all… if she is completely vapid and shallow, of course! Seriously speaking though, what does a woman look for in a man? Typically when women consider relationships, they are looking at a variety of things—from your character and personality, right down to what kind of husband and father you will one day be. Believe it or not, women really are not as complicated as they are made out to be. According to family […]

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How to Be A Man

Somewhere in the soul of man is this unarticulated, self-realized notion. The unspoken, yet undeniable “Bro-Code.” We all know it. Some of us have been called out on it. But there is a greater standard to which we have been summoned. God’s Way, his Code, is the true way of life. He wrote the manual of manhood. Masculinity was his idea, and he formed it from his own image. This list is by no means exhaustive, but here are ten rules for the Christian man from the Man himself: Follow God The first rule for the Christian man is to […]

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Eikon – The Image of the Invisible God

Every Wednesday night, hundreds of college and career aged young people gather in Fort Lauderdale for a time of amazing worship, engaging teaching and rich fellowship around God’s word. The ministry is called Eikon, and is Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale (CCFL)’s initiative to impact the young adult community in South Florida with the life-changing power of the gospel. The next generation CCFL’s senior pastor, Bob Coy, has always had a heart to reach the next generation. In line with Calvary Chapel’s “Jesus Movement” roots, Coy and the CCFL leadership have always offered a relaxed atmosphere and come-as-you-are feel in order […]

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The Societal Double-Standard

April 29, 2013 was a monumental day in the world of sports, but this particular occasion had nothing to do with any broken records, championship victories or amazing athletic feats. That was the day backup Washington Wizards’ center Jason Collins became the first active openly gay male athlete in North American team sports. But that is not all. Free agent quarterback Tim Tebow was released from the New York Jets on the same day, ending the organization’s year-long public relations debacle that began the day the team signed Tebow last offseason. Outspoken but ostracized The Jets never gave Tebow a […]

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Hope in Failure

Sometimes the prospect of long-term victory over besetting sin seems impossible. The ruts of long-standing habits are furrowed deep. They are easily settled into and difficult to steer out of. Personal commitment to purity may be sincere and earnest, but a track record of repeated failure punches holes in one’s conviction, draining hope out, drip by drip. It can seem inevitable that, in a moment of weakness or a season of gradual drifting, relapse will occur. On the far side of failure, discouragement hangs heavy. In moments like these, a perspective that offers some hope is needed. Here are five […]

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Beauty as Intended

I sat here in complete awe of how beautiful she was. I admired every feature, every curve, and thought to myself, “How is it possible that someone could be that stunning and how do I get like that?! These fashion magazines must have secret places where they breed perfect-looking people.” I went on for years thinking that I just wasn’t fortunate enough to have been born a hybrid beauty like these models were. Growing up, I was always teased because my hair was too curly or my skin not clear enough, so I did everything I could to become like […]

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The Importance of Worship

Worship is one of the most crucial actions of our lives as Christians, so much so that its importance cannot be overemphasized. In discussing why worship plays such a vital role in our faith we need to clarify a few things, as many churches today are not teaching what it means to truly worship. The confusion In recent years, there has been a growing misconception and misrepresentation of what worship actually is. To some within modern day Christianity, the word worship refers to a specific portion of a church service. This generally revolves around singing songs that are meant to […]

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Should Women Work?

The Bible is clear that we are God’s masterpiece. He embedded gifts within each of us before the beginning of time to perform specialized tasks here on Earth (Ephesians 2:10). Actually, the calling God places on our hearts can never be withdrawn;, according to Romans 11:29 it’s irrevocable. Kind of like a divine Mission Impossible assignment ordained by the Father. This revelation is freeing. As a homeschooling mother of four, I often hear strangers say, “I could never homeschool. I’m not sure how you do it.” I typically respond by saying it’s not for everyone—because it isn’t. There are many […]

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The Fruit of One-Way Love

Hollywood is not known for being a culture of grace. Dog eat dog is more like it. People love you one day and hate you the next. Personal value is very much attached to box office revenues and the unpredictable and often cruel winds of fashion. It was doubly shocking, therefore, when one-way love—and its fruit—made a powerful appearance on the stage in 2011. The occasion for it was Robert Downey Jr. receiving the American Cinematheque Award, a prize given to, “…an extraordinary artist in the entertainment industry who is fully engaged in his or her work and is committed […]

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