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Sex for Sale

“Justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against love.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. • According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, human trafficking is the second largest global organized crime today, generating approximately      $31.6 billion each year. Specifically, trafficking for sexual exploitation generates $27.8 billion per year.  There are 1.39 million victims of commercial sexual servitude worldwide. • Every 30 seconds another person is trafficked into slavery. •  The U.S. State Department estimates that no less than 17,000 men, women and children are trafficked into the United States annually. •    According to ECPAT […]

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Would You Like Some Slavery With Your Latte?

It is no secret that Americans love their coffee. Glance over at your nearest Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts drive-thru on your next morning commute and you’ll quickly be reminded of this fact.  If it’s not coffee, an even larger segment of the U.S. population consumes chocolate in all of its various forms and fashions. You may be shocked to learn that coffee and chocolate—commodities enjoyed by hundreds of millions of Americans each day—are largely produced by unpaid slaves, underpaid and abused workers and even exploited and trafficked children. While staunch regulations are in place here in America ensuring that workers […]

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Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse

On June 22, 2012, former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was convicted of 45 charges of child sex abuse. The scandal has devastated the local Penn State community and dominated national news headlines for months. Shockingly, it appears “Sandusky had used the charity he founded for troubled children to cultivate relationships with boys he could molest” (Joel Achenbach, The Washington Post, June 22). You might ask, “How does this happen? This man was a trusted member of the community and was well-respected and praised for his achievements. How could we have missed this? How can we stop this […]

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Want To Be A Good Christian?

I have had a few conversations recently with friends and co-workers on the subject of mentoring and discipleship.  Quite honestly, those two words make me a bit nervous.  Frankly, they conjure up images of two people sitting at a table, one with a Bible staring intently into the face of the person without the Bible. The all-knowing mentor proceeds to tell the unsuspecting disciple all the things necessary for living the Christian life. Have you experienced this for yourself on one side or the other?  I have, and I cringe when I recall the uncomfortable and ridiculous task of mentoring […]

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Losing it in School

It is not uncommon for Christian students to reject their faith while attending secular colleges and universities. Studies show that upwards of 60 percent of Christian students abandon their faith during those formative years. Unfortunately, the antidotal evidence of this often comes directly from our own families and church communities. This is a disturbing and real problem that concerns all Christian parents—especially those whose children are part of the upcoming freshman class. A 2007 study by the Institute for Jewish & Community Research expressed serious concerns about the overall climate on campuses for evangelical Christians after finding that faculty’s general […]

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Who’s Really Training Your Children?

Should the Lord tarry, this time in history might come to be known by future generations as “The Darker Ages.” Especially over the last 50 years, there has been an ever-increasing influence of the antichrist spirit in our society as evidenced by how the majority of our prevailing institutions posture themselves against God. These “vain philosophies” are an amalgamation of the “politically correct” positions of the educational system, the healthcare (disease care) and food industries, the liberal news media, the government and the entertainment industry. All of these institutions have adopted anti-God worldviews, and scripture warns us against yoking ourselves […]

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Can You Defend Your Faith?

Have you ever felt ill-equipped when discussing your Christian faith with a skeptic, atheist or follower of another religion? Do you spend time actually studying why you believe what you believe, or do you settle for taking someone else’s word for it? While Christianity is absolutely a walk of faith, being a Christian does not require you to check your brain at the door. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. In 1 Peter 3:14-15 (ESV), the Bible says,“Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make […]

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10 Tips On How to Dress Like a Man

While running shoes are great for a vigorous workout, there is really no need for these shoes to be worn beyond that. For casual situations, moccasins or canvas shoes (think Vans or Converse) work well. A pair of leather shoes, especially in a caramel-y brown (so they can be paired with black, navy, gray and a darker brown), are extremely versatile. Not only do they work in formal settings but they can even dress up a pair of dark-wash jeans. You don’t need 20 different pairs of shoes to dress like a man but you do need more than running […]

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10 Trends to Watch in 2012

I’m not a prophet, nor the son of a prophet. But it doesn’t take a prognosticator to predict a few trends I believe we’ll see in the next year. Here are a few trends to watch in 2012, in my humble opinion. The world will not end in 2012, contrary to Mayan predictions. To borrow a line from the late D. James Kennedy: “If you disagree, let’s have coffee and discuss it–in January 2013.” There will be major turnover at the ballot box, as many Americans are tired of “business as usual.” Americans will continue to become more pro-life. Science […]

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Scandalous Love

The message this month is about a love so scandalous that it was willing to leave the court of heaven and the throne of grace, take on human flesh, dwell among us, live a perfect life, be ridiculed, slandered, falsely accused, betrayed, abandoned, condemned to death, beaten, nailed to cross beams, and forsaken by His Father in heaven.  In the gospel of Luke chapter 7, verses 36-50 we read this: “One of the Pharisees asked Him to eat with Him, and he went into the Pharisee’s house and reclined at the table. And behold, a woman of the city, who […]

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