Home Slideshow

The Importance of Remembering

Israeli Holocaust Remembrance Day, Yom HaShoah, is a sacred day in memory of the six million Jews who died in the Holocaust. This year it will be marked on April 28 with many ceremonies, all with the Israeli national flag flying at half-mast. At 10:00 a.m. sirens will sound throughout Israel for two minutes during which people will cease all activity, even stopping their cars in the middle of the street, in order to stand at attention in silent tribute to the dead. On the eve of Yom HaShoah, South Florida residents may participate in a March of Remembrance on […]

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Spirituality vs. Christianity

“I’m not Buddhist, I’m not Hindu, I’m not Christian, but I still feel like I have a deep connection with God. I pray all the time—for self-control, for humility,” pop culture icon Katy Perry tells Marie Claire. Though Katy Perry has only one voice, her opinion speaks volumes about the spiritual-but-not-religious trend that is taking place in this day and age. According to a Pew report, almost 1 in 5 Americans identify themselves as “spiritual, but not religious.” These people were identified as having a connection to God but not with any form of institution. As Christians, we certainly believe […]

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Off-the-Field NFL Heroes

Despite what the news or ESPN would lead people to believe, there are many NFL athletes who use the popularity they have been blessed with to spread goodwill and help those who are less fortunate. Whether that is through volunteer work, running foundations that raise awareness of a problem, or just signing autographs, some players willingly take time out to serve others and follow the example Jesus Christ set. Here are five Christian players who follow the Lord’s lead. Peyton Manning, Quarterback, Denver Broncos The five-time NFL MVP grew up in a Christian household led by New Orleans Saints’ legend […]

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Why God Desires Your Worship

Why does God want people to praise him? I was recently talking with a skeptical gentleman about the greatness of God, but when I invited him to church he said, “I don’t get why a God that is so great would need me to come to church and praise him. How self-centered and egotistical could God be that he constantly demands people to praise him?” This gentleman is not alone. That is a very common objection to Christianity.  Many people throughout the centuries, including C.S. Lewis prior to his conversion, have wrestled with God’s constant insistence for our worship. All […]

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Missions: Our History and Our Calling

The foundation of Christian missions can be summarized in Luke 4:18-21 as Jesus announced his ministry on earth. Since he returned to the Father, we have become the representation of Christ on earth, and we continue his ministry as proclaimed in this passage: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Our model for Christian missions is found […]

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God Threw a Stone

As I’ve said before: God speaks two words to the world. People have called them many things: Law and Gospel, Judgment and Love, Critique and Grace, and so on. In essence, though, it’s pretty simple: first God gives us bad news (about us) and then he gives us Good News (about Jesus). This is perhaps most clearly seen in another incredibly well-known (and incredibly misunderstood) passage of Scripture: Jesus’ interaction with the woman caught in the act of adultery. The scribes and Pharisees catch a woman in the act of adultery, and drag her before Jesus. Can you imagine a […]

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15 Must-Follow Twitter Accounts

With the pace of modern life, it can feel like we don’t have time to pick up a newspaper or read a magazine anymore, but at 140 characters per post, anyone can fit a few tweets into their day. There are people dispensing knowledge, news and humor as freely as you can imagine on Twitter, and here we have a list of people that you just might want to follow. Business and leadership Bill Gates Years from now when the world remembers Bill Gates, many will remember him for different reasons. Some will remember his contributions to technology; his work […]

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Getting to Know Pope Francis

Pope Francis became the leader of the Roman Catholic Church on March 13, 2013. Since that time, he has become one of the more controversial popes in the church’s recent history. In the last 64 years, there have been seven Popes: Pope Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis. For most of us, especially if we were brought up in the Catholic faith, each of these names brings back a memory of how we felt when the predecessor left his position and a new leader took his place. Where is Francis […]

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Nadia Bolz-Weber: A “Lousy Candidate”

“Simul Iustus et Peccator.” This Latin phrase, first coined by Martin Luther, refers to the belief that followers of Jesus Christ are both sinners and saints at the same time. R.C. Sproul breaks it down this way: “A Christian is simul (at the same time) iustus (just or righteous) and peccator (a sinner).” The Apostle Paul paints a vivid picture of this struggle in Romans 7, declaring, “I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.” (v. 15) In light of this doctrine, a small […]

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Be Mine

Ah, here come those chalky, colorful heart candies that whisper sweet nothings like “Tweet Me”. Things sure have changed since we traded cards in elementary school and talked face-to-face! Valentine’s Day history The history of Valentine’s Day is actually pretty intriguing. Many sources confirm that “Saint Valentine” was actually the name of several martyred saints under the Roman Empire. He is said to have ministered to persecuted, third-century Christians. He performed weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry. He also signed a letter “From your Valentine” to his jailer’s daughter. At the time, Claudius II had outlawed young men […]

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