
Manly Meals for Manly Men

It’s that time of year again to celebrate the patriarch’s role in our lives and what better way than to cook for him? Here are some recipes for macho meals he will be sure to love. Uh-mazing Barbequed Ribs Yield: 4-5 Servings 8 lbs. Baby Back Ribs 2 Tbsp. Kosher Salt 1 Tbsp. Mustard (dry) 1 Tbsp. Paprika ½ tsp. Cayenne Pepper ½ tsp. Ground Black Pepper 2 c. Barbeque Sauce (plus extra) Preheat your oven to 350F. Combine salt, mustard, paprika, cayenne pepper and black pepper. Place each rack of ribs (8 total for 8 pounds of meat) on […]

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Eikon – The Image of the Invisible God

Every Wednesday night, hundreds of college and career aged young people gather in Fort Lauderdale for a time of amazing worship, engaging teaching and rich fellowship around God’s word. The ministry is called Eikon, and is Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale (CCFL)’s initiative to impact the young adult community in South Florida with the life-changing power of the gospel. The next generation CCFL’s senior pastor, Bob Coy, has always had a heart to reach the next generation. In line with Calvary Chapel’s “Jesus Movement” roots, Coy and the CCFL leadership have always offered a relaxed atmosphere and come-as-you-are feel in order […]

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The Societal Double-Standard

April 29, 2013 was a monumental day in the world of sports, but this particular occasion had nothing to do with any broken records, championship victories or amazing athletic feats. That was the day backup Washington Wizards’ center Jason Collins became the first active openly gay male athlete in North American team sports. But that is not all. Free agent quarterback Tim Tebow was released from the New York Jets on the same day, ending the organization’s year-long public relations debacle that began the day the team signed Tebow last offseason. Outspoken but ostracized The Jets never gave Tebow a […]

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Good News for Hurting Moms

“It is with great pleasure and joy, that it is hereby declared, that you are the best mom in the whole entire history of the world. Happy Mother’s Day!” This is an extreme example of a Mother’s Day card gone terribly wrong. However, it is one of thousands of cards speaking to moms everywhere and assuring them they are the best. Peruse the drugstore and read the glowing and flattering phrases; “Thank you Mom, you are the best! You add love to everything you do! You are the greatest mom! You are unselfish, patient and gentle!” I am thankful for […]

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42 – The Legacy of Jackie Robinson

Last month, America celebrated the legacy of one of the most influential civil rights figures of the twentieth century, Jackie Robinson. With a biographical film named after his jersey number, 42, and the MLB’s own commemorative celebration of the late Hall of Famer on April 15 (Jackie Robinson Day), it is interesting to ponder whether those who witnessed his major league debut on April 15, 1947 had any idea of how that day would affect our nation’s future. After winning the Rookie of the Year award in 1947, Robinson racked up a .342 batting average and 142 RBI two years […]

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Overcoming Sexual Temptation

Sexual temptation is a tremendously difficult trap to overcome, but it is possible to overcome. Did you catch that? It is possible to overcome! Jesus Christ didn’t die on the cross and rise again just to remove the penalty of sin but to remove the power and practice of sin. Jesus died to set you free, and he lives to give you life as it’s meant to be lived. One of the ways he does this is through the life-giving power of his word. God’s word is full of stories, and God recorded every story in the Bible for your […]

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There’s No Place Like Home

Julie Brasington, also known as the Happy Home Fairy, is on a mission – Helping Moms Build Happy Homes. Julie is both a coveted guest at moms’ groups around Broward County and was also a 2013 Parents Magazine Blog Awards finalist for her blog, happyhomefairy.com. Julie’s blog encourages and equips moms with creative ideas to bless their families and inspires her readers to fulfill the purpose for which God has uniquely designed them. On her popular blog, she refers to her husband of nearly 10 years, Ryan Brasington, who is the Worship Pastor at Rio Vista Community Church, as the […]

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Separation – Pros and Cons

A question that occasionally comes up in the counseling room during couples counseling is, “We are thinking of separating, what do you think we should do?” In marital counseling, as a general rule, I am not a big fan of separation. While there are some legitimate times to separate, this intervention must be used with structure if it is going to be a part of saving the marriage. Why are you separating? For many, separation accomplishes nothing for two main reasons. One is that either spouse is not honest about the reason for the separation. The other is that there […]

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Benevolence & Justice

How do you respond when you see a man walking on the street between waiting cars with a sign stating “will work for food?” Is he seeking a handout to fuel his alcohol abuse or is he sincerely seeking help to change? Or what are your thoughts towards the single mom or widow who comes to church to ask for financial aid? In 2 Thessalonians 3:10, the early apostles, not wanting to be a burden to anyone gave this rule: “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” However, in Matthew 5:42, Jesus tells us to “Give to […]

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Churches: Mega, Mini, or Something

You walk into one church and feel like you are at a rock concert. You walk into another church and feel like you are at a funeral. One church makes you anxious because of the crowds, and the other church makes you paranoid because everyone knows you’re new and all eyes are on you. It can be a stressful ordeal finding the right church for you and your family. To help along in your search, here are some points to consider: Mega-churches Pros When looking for a church, many seek the opportunities to get plugged in and use their gifts. […]

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