
Up in Arms

The news, media and numerous political blogs have been saturated with discussion and debate on gun control policy the past few months. Heated conversations have swelled with recent tragedies such as the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado and the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. We have heard the pleas and rants from politicians and opinionists, but what is the right answer? Is there a right answer? What does the Bible have to say about gun control policy? Freedom Well, actually this is one of those gray areas where the Bible is not clear. So, for starters, let us […]

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Dumb Things Christians Say

We have all said dumb things we wished we could take back. Like, asking a woman her due date only to find out she is not even pregnant. My biggest foot-in-mouth incident happened when a friend lost her daughter to an awful shooting. With tears streaming down my cheeks, I reread the Palm Beach Post article and fired off an emotional email that ended with: “Your daughter is in a better place. She’s singing with the angels in heaven.” Months later I learned that many well-meaning individuals told her the same thing, which she confessed hurt her. Aching for one […]

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An Open Letter to the Church

To the churches concerning homosexuals and lesbians: Many of you believe that we do not exist within your walls, your schools, your neighborhoods. You believe that we are few and easily recognized. I tell you we are many. We are your teachers, doctors, accountants, high school athletes. We are all colors, shapes, sizes. We are single, married, mothers, fathers. We are your sons, your daughters, your nieces, your nephews, your grandchildren. We are in your Sunday School classes, pews, choirs, and pulpits. You choose not to see us out of ignorance or because it might upset your congregation. We ARE […]

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Who is the Greatest?

In just over a month, the NBA Finals will be over and one team will be immortalized in the annals of NBA history, while the 29 other teams look to improve their shot at claiming next year’s title. The playoffs give rise to legends and add to legacies, making now the perfect time to examine a batch of players whose basketball careers exemplify success on the professional level and speculate on the seemingly age-old controversial topic: who is the greatest NBA player of all time? Larry Bird, Boston Celtics The 12-time All-Star was best known for his clutch, pinpoint shooting […]

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Boundaries – The How and the Why

A boundary is a limit, a marker or border. Boundaries are about protection, security and limits. We live and deal with boundaries every day, but many people have a hard time establishing healthy boundaries for themselves. We are finite beings limited to a human body and a certain number of days on this earth. If we are going to live a healthy and balanced life it is important to set boundaries. This article will explore the how and why of doing this. When it comes to boundaries, there are at least four components that help us know what boundaries to […]

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The Relevance of the Resurrection

Facing a difficult Monday after Easter Sunday is a great test of whether you actually understand the Easter message. When you are struggling to pay the bills, the kids are still sick, the dryer breaks, and suffering and loss seem more real than Jesus does, how do you respond? You may wonder, “Where did the joy of Easter go? Is the resurrection really all that relevant to my life? How does the message of Easter really change the way I face a job that I hate, a family member who constantly raises objections to my faith and a habit that […]

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Spring Films You Won’t Want To Miss

We are coming out of the winter movie dry spell that leaves us searching for a good film like water in the desert. As we look ahead to the coming weeks, these are the films that you likely will not want to miss. Jurassic Park 3D Everyone’s favorite movie with dinosaurs and mayhem is being re-released in theaters this April, in 3D. While some may scoff at the idea of re-releasing older films as a way to simply make more money—and to be fair, they often are—bringing back classic films like Jurassic Park is an opportunity for today’s kids to […]

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Go to Church, Live Longer

The quest to live longer is an old one. In two months, we will celebrate the 500th anniversary of Ponce de Leon’s discovery of Florida. Why is that relevant? This European explorer came to the area seeking the Fountain of Youth, which you can still visit in St. Augustine, Florida today. There you can see the stone cross de Leon and his men made to mark the year: 1513. The Fountain of Youth supposedly rejuvenated its drinkers. Fit, local Indians appeared to be its beneficiaries. It turns out it was their mating patterns and seafood diet rich in protein that […]

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Having “The Talk” with Your Kids

“As long as it’s consensual, you can have sex with whomever you want of whatever gender you want or identity you want. And it might be before marriage and it might not. All of which is totally natural, and okay, and healthy,” proclaimed my high school’s award-winning newspaper. As I talked to other students about the article, I was dismayed to discover that all of the people I talked to responded positively to it – this is the perspective and change they hoped to see in American health education. They wanted more gay rights, little to no emphasis on abstinence […]

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4KIDS of South Florida BiG Cardio

One of South Florida’s most fun and philanthropic events of the year is coming up next month. 4KIDS of South Florida’s 6th Annual BiG Cardio Fitness & Fun Day will take place Saturday, May 4 at Central Broward Regional Park in Lauderhill. With a certified 5k run / walk as the main event, and a whole host of other fitness challenges and activities available, this event promises to be a day of fun for the whole family. Best of all, proceeds from the event will go to fund 4KIDS of South Florida’s initiatives to help kids in crisis right here […]

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