
All I Want for Christmas Is…

“All I want for Christmas is…?” The answer to this question could determine the success or failure of your Christmas experience. As a parent the question is: What do we really want for Christmas? Don’t we want something that will last for generations to come? Something powered by more than batteries. I have never heard anyone say, “We have a great family tradition of giving each other video games for Christmas. It’s been an awesome part of our Christmas for generations.  It’s what brings us back home each year.” All I Want is… There are many electronics we could get […]

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It’s Time to Teach Time

This article, that was written by Mom and Dad, is so timely as we wrap up the first quarter of school and head into the second. It resonated with me deeply as I was the one helping a child “catch up” on a research paper this last week. I hope it is a good reminder for you as you organize the second quarter of your family and the holidays! -Torrey Roberts Time for time teaching Mothers across America have been heard to say, “I hope you know we will never go through this again!” This phrase has been shouted right […]

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Charitable Giving Strategies: How To Be A Bigger Blessing

“It is more blessed to give than to receive,” said the Lord Jesus. And Americans – and especially people of faith – take that exhortation seriously. Our contributions of nearly half a trillion dollars in 2020 alone were greater than the entire gross domestic products of most European countries. And more than 80 percent of giving is done by individuals, much of it to faith-based organizations. A question too few generous Americans ask, however, is how they should give. Charitable giving strategies exist to give more, and more effectively, and they are not just for the wealthy: surprisingly, according to […]

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Maintaining Marital Satisfaction Through the Seasons and Stages of Life

I was recently blessed to renew a friendship from 40 years ago. Some of my most hilarious moments were with this person, but over the years we had lost touch with bits of news from mutual friends. I was looking forward to connecting personally, but I needed to see a pic on social media to recognize them. I called their name, and even then, I wasn’t sure it was them. I looked at them, searching for the face, eyes or smile I knew so well decades earlier. Not even a glimmer! I was listening for anything that reminded me of […]

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Palm Beach Atlantic University to Celebrate American Free Enterprise Day

American Free Enterprise (AFE) Day has been a tradition at Palm Beach Atlantic (PBA) University for nearly 40 years, dating back to 1984. Since its founding, this event has celebrated our American heritage and freedoms and promoted our free enterprise system. All about free enterprise PBA’s commitment to our free enterprise system is unique within higher education today; nowhere else is this distinctive recognition of the American free enterprise system so immersed in the traditions of a university. PBA not only requires a course on the American free enterprise system, but it also sponsors this grand celebration annually to honor […]

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Who Has Been Adopted?

I can remember one of the very first 4KIDS events I attended over 15 years ago now, where 4KIDS VP of Engagement, Tom Lukasik, asked the room a poignant question. He asked us, “How many of you here were adopted?” Just a couple of people raised their hands while the rest of us waited. Tom then said, “Remember, if you follow Jesus, you’ve been adopted into the family of God. So, who here has been adopted?” We then all smiled and raised our hands.   The heart of adoption It’s such a simple illustration, but a powerful reminder that every […]

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What Should I Consider When Choosing a Contractor?

The Good News provides a monthly column with important content having to do with topics from the legal community. This month features a conversation with Rob Meacham, a director with Tripp Scott. Scratch a Floridian and you’ll uncover a story of a contractor relationship gone wrong. Let’s look at common contractor problems along that “gamut” along with key steps to take to prevent them.   Bill Davell: What are contractor problems to anticipate and head off?   Rob Meacham: Most obvious: the contractor doesn’t do what he or she promised (or advertised) – not completing the work expected, getting it […]

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Turn Your Family Time Back On!

Recently, while waiting for a traffic light to turn green, I glanced over at the car next to me and noticed an incredibly sad scene. A mom was driving with three kids. It had the potential to be a great family outing, but for one thing, each person in the van was engaged in his or her own electronic activity. Each except the youngest, who was glued to something on the ceiling. Only after the light turned green did I see that he too was into his own electronics. He was focused on his own iPad screen.  Dysfunctional Family Time […]

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50 Years Defending the Sanctity of Human Life

Broward Country Right to Life has been advocating for the sanctity of human life for more than 50 years! Founded shortly after the passage of Roe v. Wade by the late Dr. Matthew Bulfin, a gynecologist and pioneer in the pro-life movement, the organization has been led for the past 25 plus years by John Aman, president, and Tewannah Aman, executive director. Their mission is to promote the sanctity of human life through public witness, education, church engagement, community outreach and prayer. Defending Human Life for 50 Years However, it is this couple’s own personal testimony that is perhaps the […]

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How Well Do You Know Yourself?

Working with marriages and families over the past twenty-plus years has been illuminating for me. I’ve found that most of us don’t know ourselves well. Like others, we know things about ourselves, our favorite colors, our taste in food, where we were born, what we like to do, who we hang out with, what we do for work, and what our talents are, but if someone asks us what our core beliefs and values are, we might have to pause.  As a Christian, I could answer without hesitation that I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of […]

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