
What Are You Saying?

We’ve all heard and spoken the idiom “Actions Speak Louder than Words.” Its origins are traced back as early as 1200 in a sermon by St. Anthony of Padua, and it continues to be a popular sermon in the Catholic church during Pentecost. The essence of the sermon is that the person filled with the Holy Spirit speaks different languages in the way we witness for Christ. In some moments we speak with humility and patience because we reveal ourselves through the fruit of the spirits or lack thereof. The sermon goes on to say that we are cursed just […]

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How to Respond When Your Child Talks Back

“I know I need to do something when my child is talking back,” a frustrated mother blurted out, “I just don’t know what to do!” Parents and Child That Talks Back  Parents should expect their children to misbehave and rebel. Why? Because they’re children!  Understanding that reality. It should also be expected that parents need to get ready for this misbehavior by developing the best possible parental responses. When my daughter Torrey was a year old, she had her first seizure. I had no idea what to do and didn’t respond very well. In fact, my wife had to deal […]

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What’s Your ‘Why Not?’

At the time I am writing this article for you all I am in the midst of watching March Madness and I have basketball on my mind! By the time you read this article, you are likely watching the NBA Playoffs. In both, there’s a particular moment that has been standing out to me – one of the most exciting parts of the game is when an alley-oop happens. This is when a player catches a pass right above the basket and they can immediately slam dunk the ball. The crowd goes wild! The player was perfectly positioned for the […]

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Good News Applauds Women of Distinction 2023

The Bible describes a virtuous woman in Proverbs 31. It paints the image of a remarkable woman involved in all facets of her community, active in the marketplace, involved in charity and managing the affairs of her household well. “Strength and honor are her clothing…She opens her mouth with wisdom and her tongue is the law of kindness… Many women do noble things… but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised (Proverbs 31: 25-26, 30). Once again, in conjunction with Mother’s Day, Good News presents our third annual feature applauding four Women of Distinction who are leaders […]

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Motivating Your Child to Try

As we head toward the fourth quarter of the school year, more times than I can count I have heard a frustrated parent say, “I know my child can do better, but he just doesn’t seem to try!” Parents want to know the answer to the same question: How do you motivate a child to do their best?   There are a few questions parents need to answer before they work on motivating the child.  As a parent, what is my motivation for motivating my child?  Do I want my child to do his best for me (the parent’s self-esteem) […]

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Students Learn a Financial Goal Without an Action Plan ‘Is Just a Wish’

These are exciting times at Palm Beach Atlantic University, as we review architects’ plans for the Marshall and Vera Lea Rinker Business Building. Our excitement rises even higher when we consider how the new building will allow us to expand impactful business programs and courses taught by engaging professors such as Barbara VanderWerf. “Professor VanderWerf is one of my favorites,” said finance major Emily Kintz. “I just really love her teaching style. She’s very focused on making connections with each student individually.” Emily, a senior, had enjoyed several courses under Barbara, who is assistant professor of management. Now, in her […]

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Supporting Families Helps Prevent Child Abuse

You know those stories you look back on and can so clearly see the hand of God moving? In the midst of these kinds of stories, we typically have no idea the kind of impact divine timing and simple obedience can have. As we enter Child Abuse Prevention Month this April, I can’t help but think of the lives that have been touched through the heart of prevention.    Divine meetings I am sure you’ve had one of these “unplanned” meetings that you look back on so clearly as God’s orchestrating something divine. That’s what happened when I first met […]

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Pray For Nashville

On Monday morning the Nashville community was turned upside down as we witnessed the horror at The Covenant School, a ministry of Covenant Presbyterian Church. Many of you know that this church is a part of our denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America. Our hearts break for the victims’ families that are understandably grieving and shocked. We stand with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as they deal with this tragedy, including Senior Pastor Chad Scruggs who lost his nine-year-old daughter. Shortly after the shooting he shared these words expressing his hope in the gospel, “Through tears we trust […]

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Good News Wants to Know…Fun Facts

To bring our village together, we’d like you to get to know some of our business and community leaders of faith in a more personal way. That’s why we encourage the kind of conversations you might have with a friend at a casual backyard barbecue. This month, Good News Wants to Know… What is a fun fact about you that others may be surprised to learn? I’m sure this will make for some texts and emails: I was co-captain of the wrestling team in high school. William “Bill” C. Davell, Director, Tripp Scott PA I don’t like or trust animals that are incapable of smiling. […]

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Lose the Bunny; Use the Eggs

The most significant holiday on the Christian calendar is once again upon us. This special day, however, is so clouded by cultural tradition, that many church attendees have forgotten what they are to celebrate. One woman went so far as to say to me, “I can’t possibly imagine getting up at the crack of dawn and coming to a sunrise service at a stadium, park or beach for an Easter service. I would not be able to get dressed up!” Generations of wearing the right clothes have worn down the meaning of Easter in the hearts of many. It is […]

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