
Habitat for Humanity of Broward Celebrates 40 Years Providing Affordable Housing

For 40 years, Habitat for Humanity of Broward has sought to put God’s love into action by building homes, communities and hope during times of need. Established in 1983 by members of First Presbyterian Church of Fort Lauderdale, Habitat Broward built some of its first homes for families displaced by Hurricane Andrew. Today they are on the front lines of the battle for affordable homeownership as Broward has become one of the most cost burdened housing markets in the nation, placing homeownership out of reach for 94 percent of families. “With the median priced home in Broward jumping to $585,000, […]

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Marriage and Money

The ministry of marriage and families allows us to share the best and worst times with couples. Typically, most couples experience the same challenges framed through different stories, but what is increasingly common is the lack of pre-marital counseling/ preparation. Couples tend to believe they know one another well and are madly in love and don’t have the foresight to pursue a class, program, or counselor to walk them through what needs to be addressed after the honeymoon living. Couples are often distressed because they didn’t have meaningful conversations before marriage. Money is in the top ten issues of couples […]

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Where There’s No Will, There’s No Way – To Have A Say After Death

The Good News provides a monthly column with important content having to do with topics from the legal community. This month features a conversation with Christine Yates, a director with Tripp Scott.   Bill Davell: Let’s get right to the basic question: Do I need a will as a Florida resident?    Christine Yates: Well, only if you own property, have any family, especially minor children, own or share ownership of a business and are going to die – but most important, want to have a say in what happens with any of these after your death. Not to mention […]

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Helping Your Child with Big Emotions

We have talked about the fact that in parenting the days may feel long but the years go by so quickly. We have but a few summers with our children before they are off to college, 13 or less to be exact, where we can be intentional to pour into our children. We can use these months to give them memories as a family, with intentional fun together and vacations, but we can also use these moments to train. One of these areas we can focus on is handling big emotions. We may have more time to observe these moments […]

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Connecting with Kids

Summer offers families the chance to slow down and reconnect – something I know we look forward to all year long. My family heads to upstate New York every summer and it’s a long-standing tradition filled with precious memories that I know make an incredible impact on our ability to connect as a family.   Connecting through traditions Whether you are heading to North Carolina, the Northeast, or staying local and enjoying things like the beach, there is an opportunity to build tradition with our kids. For 4KIDS Foster and Adoptive Families this idea can often be challenging as we […]

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Sunsets make you think it’s the end of one thing and the beginning of another; it’s an in-between. I’ve been thinking of late about the in-betweens in our lives. The more I think about it the more I realize that our lives are littered with in-betweens. I also realize that there are different types of in-betweens, some more significant than others. Perhaps you have found yourself in an in-between. Have you ever been in-between a job, a career or a relationship?  Perhaps you have found yourself traveling and were in-between cities or even continents. In-betweens bring with them a whole […]

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Campion’s Vision to Rebuild a Mission Hospital in Nigeria Connects Communities Across Continents

“In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success” (Proverbs 3:6, TLB). This is the life verse of Don Campion, co-founder and president of Banyan Air Service, Inc. and his wife, Sueanne Campion, who have spent the last 15 years rebuilding the mission hospital compound in Egbe, Nigeria, where Don was raised in rural West Africa. Their efforts have made such an impact in that community that leaders conferred on Don the Chieftaincy Title of Alatunse of Egbe Land, meaning “Restorer of Our Village,” literally crowning him as a chief. And […]

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What’s the most memorable time you’ve spent One-on-One with your child?

School is out for summer, creating a prime opportunity for parents to eke out some quality time with their kids. Other than a family vacation, parenting experts agree that spending One-on-One time with your children can be beneficial. This month Good News Wants to Know… What’s the most memorable time you’ve spent One-on-One with your child – or you with your parent – not on a family trip?  Theresa and I have raised three that are now married and have their own children. I’ve had special one-on-one moments with each one over the years. However, my son, Matt and I, when he was small, […]

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Expanded School Choice: More Good News for Florida Families

The Good News provides a monthly column with important content having to do with topics from the legal community. This month features a conversation with Ed Pozzuoli, CEO of Tripp Scott, and Thomas Sternberg, an associate with Tripp Scott. For years, Florida has led in school choice, providing competition to district-run schools and giving parents more control over the quality and content of their children’s education. Now, Governor DeSantis has signed HB1, expanding choice for every K-12 child beginning July 1. Here’s some of the good news for families about expanded school choice and how to participate:   Bill Davell: […]

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Use Your Summer Wisely

Every time we head into a summer, and a school year, the reality of how short a time we have with our children hits me. We have 13 summers with them at home under our roof, and goodness it goes by so quickly. A wise parent once told me, “The days are long, but the years are short.” That is such a true statement! Because of this, it is imperative that we use our summers wisely.  We need to use them to create memories, for family time but also for training. One of the ways we can use our summertime […]

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