
Study says ex-gay Life has 53 percent success rate

In findings that directly contradict mainstream academic thought, 53 percent of subjects in a new seven-year study reported successfully leaving homosexuality and living happily as heterosexual or celibate persons. The study by psychologists Stanton L. Jones of Wheaton College and Mark A. Yarhouse of Regent University is a follow-up to one released two years ago in the form of a book, “Ex-Gays?” That study was called groundbreaking, and the latest set of data is no less significant, the researchers say. The men followed 61 subjects over a span of six to seven years, recording their failures and successes in their […]

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Local rapper Proverb Newsome shares the Gospel in Cambodia

This spring, Musicianaries International, Inc., a Life that uses food, music and evangelism to meet real needs in Cambodia, lost a key figure in their organization when their founder, Christian recording artist Bobby Michaels, passed away while ministering in Cambodia. Fortunately for the Life, West Palm Beach rapper Proverb Newsome has stepped into the musical space Michaels left open. “The legacy Bobby Michaels has left in Cambodia is huge – it’s massive,” says Newsome. Newsome was recently sent to Cambodia with a team from Calvary Chapel Jupiter, including Ryan Gunn, Justine Kaminski, Aaron Mondok, Vicki Sarapad and John and Regina […]

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Prayer could land Florida principal and athletic director in

PACE, Fla.–A court order banning school employees from praying publicly at any time or at any place in a Florida school district has resulted in criminal contempt charges against a high school principal and athletic director. Principal Frank Lay and athletic director Robert Freeman of Pace High School may face jail time if a federal judge rules they violated a court order issued Jan. 9 that forbid employees from “promoting, advancing, aiding, facilitating, endorsing or causing religious prayers or devotionals during school-sponsored events.” Charges were filed against Lay and Freeman after Lay, who is in his 20th year as the […]

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Waters of Life Bookstore and Cafe: Meeting grounds for Miami Christians

Whenever I visit Waters of Life Bookstore and Cafe, I spend a wonderful time with the friendly and accommodating staff. I always choose something to eat from their excellent menu and request my favorite cafe mocha – the best in town. I also know I will find something to read as I browse their wide selection of Christian books. On Friday nights, I find it’s the only place in Miami where I can listen to a great, local Christian musician – and the admission and parking are free! I’ve even had the blessing of performing at Waters of Life, too. […]

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Beyond the campus

Campus Crusade for Christ International reaches students, as well as spouses, athletes and remote villages Most of us have heard of the organization Campus Crusade for Christ International (CCCI), yet few are aware that the Life reaches out to more than just college students. With more than 27,000 missionaries around the world and 225,000 volunteer staff members in 191 different countries, Campus Crusade reaches 99.5 percent of the world’s population. In addition to reaching college students, Campus Crusade reaches sports enthusiasts through Athletes in Action, families and spouses through FamilyLife and thousands around the globe through the “JESUS” film project. […]

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Local Life strives to res­cue children in Latin America

The statistics are staggering – every day around the world 800 million people go to bed hungry. In fact, 12,000 people in Honduras die each year due to malnutrition, and 3.8 million live in extreme poverty in Peru. When a group of Florida missionaries encountered small children in Latin America that were sleeping on cardboard, begging and stealing to survive, they saw these statistics brought to life first hand. With broken hearts, they knew they had to do something to get food to these starving children.The group formed Operation Rescue the Children (ORC), and they, along with Life partners and […]

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Married couples share a Weekend to Remember in two Florida locations this September

If you missed FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember marriage conference in Ft. Lauderdale this summer, you can attend when the conference returns to Florida Sept. 11–13 at the Delray Beach Marriott or  Sept. 25–27 in Fort Myers at the Sanibel Harbour Resort. The group will return to Ft. Lauderdale again next June. FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember originally started as an internal conference for the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ, according to FamilyLife’s event marketing manager Gene Haub. “It was originally geared toward singles that were leaders in the campus Life, ” Haub says. “[The Life ‘s creator] felt it was […]

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As the mortgage crisis continues to grip South Florida, many people who are delinquent in their mortgage payments and facing foreclosure become desperate. The Associated Press recently reported that Florida, California, Arizona and Nevada comprise 46 percent of the nation’s homes in foreclosures. The media have repeatedly focused on South Florida as an area where residential real estate values have been hit hardest. The reasons people find themselves facing foreclosure are varied. Some overextended by spending more than they could realistically afford. Others made prudent home financing decisions, but since have been laid off and are unable to make once-reasonable […]

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A Little Direction

I’ve learned a lot of lessons while driving around South Florida. Not only do the crazy drivers teach me lessons in holding my tongue, but I’ve also learned how to apply make-up without a mirror at 75 miles per hour. Just kidding! However, because I am a native South Floridian, I’m sure I fit into that crazy driver category. But, in all seriousness, God gave me a bit of insight on the road the other day. I just wasn’t the one driving. My dad wanted to take me and my husband to a nearby restaurant. Dad and I had been […]

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Building a miracle for His Caring Place

On a recent Thursday morning, a text message flashed across the cell phone of a His Caring Place staff member. It read, “He said to get an abortion and stay or get out if I’m having the baby. I don’t even have bus fare, and the fighting is getting worse. I’m so scared.” The staff member replied, “Let’s make a plan. We can come pick you up.” The staff member followed up with the young woman by picking her up, taking her to a local church and soon she was sitting in at MomsLife, the weekly outreach Life His Caring […]

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