

As the mortgage crisis continues to grip South Florida, many people who are delinquent in their mortgage payments and facing foreclosure become desperate. The Associated Press recently reported that Florida, California, Arizona and Nevada comprise 46 percent of the nation’s homes in foreclosures. The media have repeatedly focused on South Florida as an area where residential real estate values have been hit hardest. The reasons people find themselves facing foreclosure are varied. Some overextended by spending more than they could realistically afford. Others made prudent home financing decisions, but since have been laid off and are unable to make once-reasonable […]

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Engaging a Generation

First Priority works with local churches to impact students’ lives before they leave for college As the new school year begins, parents and students alike are on the lookout for clubs and extracurricular activities that capture their attention and give students something constructive to do. One place that many students flock to at the beginning of the school year is First Priority of South Florida. With the goal of uniting local churches with school campuses, First Priority equips students with the tools needed to evangelize on their mission field, alongside their friends and other students. “First Priority is really an […]

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Marco Rubio has ‘100 Innovative Ideas’ for Florida

Marco Rubio is the former Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives. He recently announced his plans to run against Gov. Charlie Crist for the United States Senate for the Republican seat that Sen. Mel Martinez currently holds. Scott Spages interviewed the Miami native on his policies, his book and his inspiration for running for office. Scott Spages (SS): “Growing up did you have a favorite sport, or hobby?”Marco Rubio (MR): “Football, and it is still my favorite sport. I didn’t have the height, the size the speed or talent to play, but I love the game. … I am […]

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China persecutes human rights lawyers

Chinese authorities have closed a legal research center in Beijing and revoked the licenses of more than 50 attorneys in what some observers says is a bid to exert greater control over human rights activists. Officials from Beijing’s Civil Affairs Bureau arrived early Friday at the legal research center of the Open Constitution Initiative rights organization, according to the Radio Free Asia News service. The officials questioned employees about their work and confiscated computers from the center’s offices. The legal center researches public welfare issues and offers legal aid in cases such as the recent sickening of children who drank […]

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Luis Palau shares the Gospel with Scotland’s Highlands

Luis Palau spent two weeks evangelizing in Scotland at more than 60 outreach events in a dozen towns throughout Scotland’s Highlands. Most of the sparsely populated towns impacted by the campaign have not witnessed such a large scale effort since Palau’s previous Scottish campaigns that ran from 1979–1981. “You can definitely sense the secularization and lack of church attendance,” said the Argentinean evangelist, who is the grandson of Scotsman Robert Balfour. “I have asked young people, ‘Do you go to church?’ and they look at me like I’m from another planet.” But just as he noted 30 years ago, Palau […]

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Prison Life opens first field office in Africa

Crossroad Bible Institute, a non-profit prison Life that focuses on biblically-based reentry education for those in prison around the world, has opened a new distribution center in Ghana. This will be CBI’s eighth international distribution center and the first on the continent of Africa. Reverend David Kwadwo Ofosuhene, a native of Ghana, is the director of the new center. As one of the world’s poorest countries, Ghana’s prisons lack appropriate sanitation, food production areas and medical care. In addition, the prisons hold almost double the number of people they were built to hold with many prisoners waiting years before a […]

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Ban of human-animal hybrids sought

Sen. Sam Brownback, R.-Kan., has introduced legislation to prohibit the creation of human-animal hybrids. If enacted, the Human-animal Hybrid Prohibition Act, S. 1435, would bar the creation of beings made from the genetic material of both people and animals. Without a ban, such hybrids could be created for research purposes in laboratories. A British government agency has approved the creation of hybrids for research in that country. “This legislation works to ensure that our society recognizes the dignity and sacredness of human life,” Brownback said in a written statement. “Creating human-animal hybrids, which permanently alter the genetic makeup of an […]

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Christian groups challenge order allowing minors access to Plan B

The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) is hoping to prevent over-the-counter distribution of the so-called morning-after pill to minors. ADF has filed a motion challenging a March federal court order that required the Food and Drug Administration to allow Plan B, which many doctors believe can cause an abortion, to be sold to 17-year-olds without a prescription. “The life and health of women, especially minors, is more important than the political agenda of pro-abortion activist groups,” ADF Legal Counsel Matt Bowman said. “Minors are least of all in a position to make an informed decision about the life or death of […]

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Obama criticizes ‘old attitudes’ about homosexuality

President Barack Obama became the first chief executive to host a White House ceremony celebrating gay pride, telling several hundred homosexual guests in the East Room that America still has what he called “old attitudes” about homosexuality but that they have “an ally and a champion” in the Oval Office. The June 29 ceremony marked the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots – which launched the modern-day gay rights movement – and also Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Month, which takes place each June and which was recognized by an Obama proclamation at the beginning of the month. Conservative commentators […]

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West Virginia school board upholds rights of all kids

A West Virginia school board has voted unanimously not to include “sexual orientation” as a special category in a new cultural-diversity policy – marking a significant victory for parents and pro-family advocates who used a Focus on the Family resource. Family advocates said if “sexual orientation” was not removed from the bullying policy by the Kanawha County School Board, it would have created a special class of protection for some students based on sexual orientation or gender identity, while leaving others unprotected. It could also have set up a system that would be ripe for reverse discrimination. Jeremiah Dys, president […]

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