Current Events

Persevering through the storm: Managing debt in a tough economy

Since the end of 2008, Americans have become familiar with the term “bailout.” Banks and financial institutions dropped one after another, the automotive industry is in shambles, and all we can do is watch in total dismay as the financial stability of our country continues to spiral downward. So why has this happened? Greed? Yes. Thirst for power? Certainly. Corruption? Obviously. All have played their part in the problem, but the main issue is debt. We have bought into the notion that debt is necessary in our society and that we need it or else we cannot build up our […]

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How do I prepare my children for the financial responsibilities of COLLEGE?

It’s a time-honored tradition that is a dream come true – and a potential nightmare. How do parents enthusiastically prepare their children for college and their first taste of independence, while also warning them about the pitfalls that can lead to financial disaster? Students who get an early handle on their income and spending can avoid the stress of being unable to pay off bills and having to work more and more hours to meet financial obligations. While they may have what seems like a large amount of money from student loans, financial aid, hard-earned savings and financial support from […]

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