Current Events

Voters rebuke Obama on health care

On one of the hottest days in Missouri, voters showed up in droves Tuesday, showing more interest in casting their ballot for or against Proposition C, than to vote for primary election candidates. The end result: Missourians resoundingly supported Proposition C – which rejects President Obama’s new health care law’s “individual mandate,” requiring all Americans to purchase health insurance. State Sen. Jane Cunningham, who sponsored the referendum – also known as Health Care Freedom Act (HB1764) – credits the Tea Party movement and citizen groups with the victory, and hopes the vote will send a loud and clear message to […]

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Marriage on trial: Reactions to the Prop 8 decision

On Aug. 4, U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker struck down California’s marriage amendment. The case will be appealed, and it is expected to go to the Supreme Court.Of all the reactions, the White House response appears to be drawing fire from both supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage. “The president has spoken out in opposition to Proposition 8, because it is divisive and discriminatory. He will continue to promote equality for LGBT Americans.”Obama, who campaigned as a supporter of marriage, has tried to walk a fine line with a key segment of his donor base, which is actively trying […]

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Government stimulus: Out of sight, out of mind

The President’s Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) has released its most recent quarterly report on the effects of President Obama’s stimulus plan. Not surprisingly, the CEA praises this monumental Keynesian scheme, crediting the stimulus for saving or creating 3.6 million jobs and increasing the amount of private funds invested in the economy. What should we make of such claims? We would all do well to remember the wisdom of Frederic Bastiat: shopkeepers are not better off after having their windows broken by hoodlums, just as the victims of theft do not have their economies stimulated by thieves. Sure, the window […]

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Rethinking the corporate income tax

It is hard to find anything positive to say about the corporate income, or profits, tax. InefficiencyEconomists across the ideological spectrum agree that the corporate profits tax is woefully inefficient:– It warps corporate decision-making, inducing expenditures made only to reduce a company’s tax liability.– The compliance costs are astronomical, often exceeding 60 cents for every dollar of revenue that the government raises from taxing corporate profits. How would you like to spend $6,000 per year calculating that you owe Uncle Sam $10,000?– It fosters overreliance on debt. Corporations often need to borrow money to replace funds that government taxed. In […]

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In Profile: Judge Cheryl J. Aleman

Biographical Info Education: Wheaton College (B.A.), University of Colorado (J.D.) Lived: In Florida for 15 years Worship: We attend a “traditional” church, but we also belong to a small group of believers, who regularly meet to study the Bible, encourage each other, and share a meal together, not unlike the early apostolic Church. Together, we reason through our faith by “chewing” on the works of such luminaries as Francis Schaeffer, Chuck Colson, R.C. Sproul, C.S. Lewis, Beth Moore, Rick Warren, Ravi Zacharias, etc.Some of my most important worship occurs at home. I have learned to set aside quiet time each […]

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Deficits, Debt, and Self-Deception

It passed almost unnoticed, but in late July the Obama Administration raised the Federal Government’s budget deficit forecast for fiscal year 2011 to $1.4 trillion. That’s up from February’s forecast of $1.267 trillion. In July alone, the Federal Government’s deficit was $165 billion, of which $20 billion was for interest-payments on debt.The long-term outlook is even worse. The U.S. Government is now borrowing approximately 41 cents of every dollar it spends. It’s also predicting additional borrowing of $8.5 trillion until 2020. If that eventuates, America’s national debt would exceed 77 percent of its annual economic output.At some point, most of […]

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Dr. Ana Steele: Champion of the Dalit

Dr. Ana Steele is equally at home in the halls of Congress and the halls of academia. She has a masters degree from Georgetown University and masters and doctorate degrees from Johns Hopkins University. She has taught at Harvard and lobbied members of Congress for the Dalit people of India. She is intelligent, articulate, and passionate. Her passion is symbolized by a picture on her bookshelf. Among the tomes in Italian, Greek, and Russian is a close-up shot of a young Indian girl whose wide brown eyes demand your attention. What is not immediately apparent is that at the time […]

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Voting for one nation under God

Army Lt. Col. Allen B. West is destined to lead. West is currently running as one of the Republican contenders for U.S. Congress in Florida’s 22nd District. He graduated from the University of Tennessee and received his master’s degree in political science from Kansas State University. West also holds a Master of Military Arts and Sciences degree from the United States Army Command and General Staff Officer College. He is the fourth generation in his family to serve in the military, defending our country on many battlefronts. West has received numerous awards and decorations for his service, including the Bronze […]

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Florida governor Charlie Crist vetoes pro-life bill

Governor Charlie Crist vetoed an ultrasound bill in June that would have allowed abortion-minded women in Florida the chance to see an image of their preborn child. HB 1143 would have also banned taxpayer funding of abortions. This is the fourth time an ultrasound bill has been defeated. More than 63,000 people contacted the governor’s office in the days leading up to the veto, with 36,104 of them asking him to please sign the measure. John Stemberger, president and general counsel of the Florida Family Policy Council, said the move speaks volumes about Crist’s duplicity and lack of trustworthiness. “He […]

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Hawaii governor vetoes civil union bill

In a highly anticipated announcement, Hawaii’s Governor Linda Lingle vetoed the civil union bill, as the definition of a union it contains was too similar to that of marriage.  The law would have allowed gay and lesbian-identified couples the same rights and privileges of married couples. In her veto message, Lingle stated that an issue as contentious as this should not be up to one person to decide. The liberal blog, Huffington Post, had promoted this decision as “mission critical,” so this announcement was a devastating blow to gay activists. They immediately called for a boycott.  Twenty-two legislators broke into […]

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