
Motivating Your Child to Try

More times than I can count I have heard a frustrated parent say, “I know my child can do better, but he just doesn’t seem to try!” Parents want to know the answer to the same question: How do you motivate a child to do their best?  There are a few questions parents need to answer before they work on motivating the child.  As a parent, what is my motivation for motivating my child?  Do I want my child to do his best for me (the parent’s self-esteem) or for his self-esteem?  Am I interested in seeing great effort or […]

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Bye Bye iPhone

Have you ever thought that one area of your life was so perfect that it couldn’t get any better? In the area of technology there is, in my opinion, so many opinions that it gets crowded with self-perception leaving you unable to take to heart other people’s comments. I have to admit I have been set free and found a new level of joy in my life. For so long, actually for the last 3 years, I had bought into the hype and never checked out the other side along the way. I am talking about my phone. Over the […]

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God’s Perfect Plan of Salvation

As Easter approaches, we are entering the season in which we commemorate the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am often asked from friends and family who do not yet have a relationship with Jesus how he was different from other men who have walked on this earth and why he was chosen to bring salvation to mankind. When we share our beliefs about Jesus and the gospel with others, I think it is important to explain why Jesus was the only person who could have been sent here for the task of saving mankind. Though […]

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A Sense of Security

In a recent marriage poll, one of the top things women said they needed from their husbands was security. This should come as no surprise. Married or not, most women long to find that sense of security that seems to always elude us. As children, we want to know that our parents are there waiting to scoop us up into their arms and tell us that everything will be okay. As we move on into the school years, we search for just one friend that can provide stability in an otherwise unstable world. Perhaps most pervasive amongst all our searching […]

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Coming Full Circle

My walk with Christ began when I was a meager seven years of age. One particular Sunday morning, sitting in a room at a certain church in Hollywood, FL, the youth pastor shared with us that God is holy but that we are not. He also shared that God loved us so much that He gave His utmost so that we would not have to remain separated from Him. What did God the Father give? His Son, Jesus. That day, I put my trust in the fact that Jesus had paid for every bad thing I had ever done by […]

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Pastor In-Profile – Ricardo Thompson

I came to know the Lord back in 1982 after being raised Catholic while living in New York. My family and I moved to Florida 4 years earlier and we were not going to a church when a Christian Missionary Alliance Church, called West Broward Christian Allianc

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What Kind Of God Do They Think You Serve?

Henry Drummond once remarked, “How many prodigals are kept out of the kingdom of God by the unlovely characters of those who profess to be inside!” To be sure, the statement is not theologically precise, but the point rings out loud and clear. The way we live our lives, our behaviors, our language, our kindness, our patience, our forgiveness, our acceptance, our critical spirit and so much more, paints a portrait of the God whom we profess to have faith in, to love, and to serve. So based on the confession of your life today, what kind of God do […]

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Will You Be Able to Retire?

For most people, retirement means not working, traveling the country, keeping up with family and of course, spending time on the golf course! Isn’t that all a part of the American dream? However, the truth is that the majority of Americans nearing their retirement years don’t have the means to actually do it. In fact, statistics tell us that as many as 60% of Americans have no idea what they need to have in the way of retirement funds in order to maintain even their existing lifestyle. Let’s take a look at the Biblical basis for retirement and get you […]

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Broken But Not Destroyed

When I was sixteen years old I had a dream that has never left me even until this day. In the dream, I was sitting in a car that was on the side of a road in the low income projects area similar to the ones in Chicago. I saw the sky rise apartment buildings behind me and all of a sudden, there was gunfire shooting at me. I did not die, but drove off into the horizon. Then, that scene vanished and I saw a beautiful blue sky with clouds, and out of the sky a voice spoke to […]

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The Adult Child

It could be a result of the economy or it could be something much deeper, but more and more twenty-plus year olds seem to be living at home. Single, in or out of school or in or out of work, they are returning home to live and their parents are trying to figure out how to handle it. The whole term “Adult-child” sounds like an oxymoron, but in this case it just might be the perfect label. The offspring is over the age of twenty, so he or she wants to be treated like an adult; they want all the […]

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