Business & Finance

Your “Side Hustle” is Serious Business

The Good News provides a monthly column with important content having to do with topics from the legal community. This month Tripp Scott directors Bill Davell and Tanya L. Bower, a business, tax and estate planning expert, delve into what you need to know and watch out for in a “side hustle.”   The “Side Hustle” may sound like a laterally moving disco dance, but it’s actually one of the hottest trends in business today.   Bill Davell: What in the world is a “side hustle?”   Tanya Bower: A “side hustle” is a business operated in addition to a […]

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Homeowner’s Insurance: “Insuring” You Get Your Money’s Worth

The Good News provides a monthly column with important content having to do with topics from the legal community. This month Bill Davell discusses homeowner’s insurance with Tripp Scott director Ed Curtis. The business model for insurers involves two main principles: first, minimize risk, and second, maximize premiums while minimizing payout. Homeowners here feel the effects of both principles. The $30-billion combined costs of Hurricanes Irma and Michael and use of legal loopholes by unscrupulous actors to turn the tables and gouge insurers have led to waves of premium hikes, non-renewal notices and often, an aggressive posture by insurers toward […]

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Looking to Adopt? Is Public or Private Best for You?

The Good News provides a monthly column with important content having to do with topics from the legal community. This month Bill Davell discusses public and private adoption and how to decide what’s best for your family situation with Tripp Scott attorney and Director Jeff Wood. BILL DAVELL: Jeff, what is a public versus a private adoption in Florida?   JEFF WOOD: A public or state adoption involves adopting a child out of the foster care system, which in Florida is managed by community-based care agencies, or CBCs, contracting with the state. A great example of a CBC is 4KIDS, […]

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Higher Condo Fees? Here’s What You Can do

The Good News provides a monthly column with important content having to do with topics from the legal community. We hope our readers enjoy the perspective offered. This month, Tripp Scott attorneys Bill Davell and Matthew Zifrony, who leads Tripp Scott’s condominium and homeowners’ association practice, discuss the issues driving rising costs for HOAs – and fees for their members.  Bill Davell:  Matt, Zillow reported last summer that condo association fees had exploded over the last year – rising a full 19% year-over-year nationwide. It seems like the pain is even more acute here in Florida, especially given the large […]

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What Is A Charter School And Why Should Parents Choose One?

The Good News provides a monthly column with important content having to do with topics from the legal community. We hope our readers enjoy the perspective offered. This month Tripp Scott attorney Bill Davell interviews fellow Tripp Scott attorneys Jeff Wood and Thomas Sternberg, education law specialists, to give us some “education” on a powerful and valuable option for Florida families. Bill Davell: Jeff, let’s start with the basics. What is a charter school?   Jeff Wood: The State of Florida defines charters as “non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations that have a contract or charter to provide the same educational services to […]

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When Do I Need A Written Contract to Buy or Sell Goods?

(Scroll down to leave a comment on written contracts that buy or sell goods) The Good News provides a monthly column with important content having to do with topics from the legal community. We hope our readers enjoy the perspective offered. This month’s legal opinion is provided by Chuck Tatelbaum, a director with Tripp Scott.    ASK BILL: I have heard that if someone is buying or selling goods in Florida, there must be a written contract if the price is more than $500. Is that true?   Tatelbaum: Yes, it is. Under the Florida version of the Uniform Commercial […]

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How Do We Avoid Surprise Partners in Our Family Business?

The Good News will provide a monthly column with important content having to do with topical subjects from the legal community. We hope our readers enjoy the perspective offered. This month’s legal opinion is provided by Douglas H. Reynolds, Esq., and Henny Lawrence Shomar, Esq., directors with Tripp Scott, PA. Ask Bill: In starting a family business, you hear and read about unexpected changes in family structure that leave outsiders or even family members not originally in the company with unintended control. How do families avoid or manage such “surprise partnerships?”   Reynolds & Shomar: It’s right to be concerned. […]

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ASK BILL: Do I need Title Insurance when buying property in Florida?

The Good News provides a monthly column with important content having to do with topics from the legal community. We hope our readers enjoy the perspective offered. This month’s legal opinion is provided by Jenna Piotrowski, Director, Tripp Scott.   ASK BILL: Do I need Title Insurance when buying property in Florida? Piotrowski: The real-estate market in South Florida is hotter than our noontime summer sun. Many of you may find yourselves shaking your head at the costs and fees of buying or selling a property – like one of the most common costs: title insurance.   ASK BILL: So […]

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When should I Consider a Criminal Defense Attorney?

The Good News provides a monthly column with important content having to do with topics from the legal community. We hope our readers enjoy the perspective offered. This month’s legal opinion is provided by Philip Menditto, PA. ASK BILL: What should a believer do when he or she needs help with a criminal matter? In particular, what should I do if I or a member of my family is arrested? P. Menditto: The first thing anyone MUST do – Christian or not – if he, she or a family member is confronted with trouble with the law is to immediately […]

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Legal Q&A: Avoiding Disputes, Litigation And Alternative Dispute Resolution

The Good News provides a monthly column with important content having to do with topics from the legal community. We hope our readers enjoy the perspective offered. This month’s legal opinion is provided by Paul Lopez, Esq., a director and COO with Tripp Scott, PA _______________________________________________________________________________________________________   ASK BILL: We’ve heard about so many cases where things go wrong in a business or contractual relationship and issues end up in court – where you can never be sure of the outcome – or one party simply ends up being shortchanged. How can we avoid ending up in litigation or just […]

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