Business & Finance

Is A College Education Really Worth It?

“Why do we think like we do?” My colleague Dave Baer and I asked this question time and again during our years teaching together overseas. We both attended the same Christian college, although years apart. Yet we recognized how the school had sown within us a body of knowledge and ways of thinking that became a deep well we drew from day after day in our life and labors.   Investment and Returns Dave and I made large investments of time, energy, and finances to complete our Christian college education. The dividends have paid out through our lives, outstripping anything […]

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Out kick your coverage?

I’m about to unfold a story that has a few main characters in my life that intertwined and provided a mentorship to me. The first scene takes place in the late ‘70’s when I was in my twenties and was welcomed to join the adults, and in this case the adults were about 30 years my senior. Oddly enough we were all contemporaries in business. We looked the same and dressed the same; such is the life among those in the “industry.”   About 20 years ago I attended the funeral of my longtime friend “Hank,” who introduced me to […]

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How Do We Avoid Surprise Partners in Our Family Business?

The Good News provides a monthly column with important content having to do with topical subjects from the legal community. We hope our readers enjoy the perspective offered. This month’s legal opinion is provided by Douglas H. Reynolds, Esq., and Henny Lawrence Shomar, Esq., directors with Tripp Scott, PA. Ask Bill: In starting a family business, you hear and read about unexpected changes in family structure that leave outsiders or even family members not originally in the company with unintended control. How do families avoid or manage such “surprise partnerships?”   Reynolds & Shomar: It’s right to be concerned. Family […]

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Six Myths About Research

One of the first questions I ask leaders who want input on a new idea is, “What does your research say?” I’m shocked at how few have good research in hand before launching major initiatives. I think research scares most people. However, we have found that research is revelatory and vital. Maybe debunking these six myths about research will help demystify the process.   Myth #1: Research tells you the truth Research reports don’t give you big, mind blowing conclusions. Instead, they provide a better understanding of the reality of your present circumstances. A good research report guides you on […]

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Award-winning Med School Student Demonstrates Uncommon Leadership

As we look in the rearview mirror at 2020, we offer a collective “Whew! God got us through, but what a year.” Here at Palm Beach Atlantic University, as I look to the months ahead, I find fresh inspiration and leadership from PBA graduates, including our young alumni. Emmanuel McNeely, for example, points us to the kind of lifestyle that could bring hope and healing to our traumatized nation. The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) has named Emmanuel the 2021 CCCU Young Alumni Award winner. The CCCU is a higher education association of more than 180 Christian institutions […]

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Palm Beach Atlantic University Community Sees God’s Hand in Presidential Selection

Dr. Debra A. Schwinn dove into her presidential role May 4, hearing the biblical echo for such a time as this: a call for bold leadership to face new challenges. An experienced educator, researcher and physician, Palm Beach Atlantic University’s ninth president had come with a passion and track record for collaboration and innovation. She had most recently been associate vice president for medical affairs at the University of Iowa, and last fall she had turned down other career opportunities in medicine, saying, “it became very clear that God was calling me to Christian universities.” With “the innovativeness of PBA, […]

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Recommendations on the Judicial Races in the August 18th Election

It is the election season, and at this time of the year, I get lots of people calling or emailing me about ‘who these judges are’ who are running for re-election or for a judicial office the first time.  Judges make it to the bench in two ways: they are appointed by a sitting Governor after being screened by a local Judicial Nominating Commission or they are elected to that position by you, the electorate.  Sitting judges must run for re-election, or retention, every six years.  The Code of Judicial Conduct precludes judges while campaigning are precluded from talking about […]

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Ginger Martin and American National Bank Strengthen Community During Pandemic

South Florida’s community banker, Ginger Martin, president of American National Bank (ANB), championed the cause of South Florida churches, nonprofits and small businesses during the mad dash to secure funding through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) beginning in April. When COVID hit and the world was shutting down, there was a lot of fear. The CARES Act originally left it unclear who qualified and how it would work. With businesses closed, church giving on the decline and nonprofits forced to cancel fundraisers, quick approval of the PPP was a lifeline for many. “Ginger and Amy Mahaney, her chief loan officer, […]

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CBMC Fosters Authentic Relationships in the Marketplace

Men are challenged in the marketplace and often struggle to find community. The Christian Business Men’s Connection (CBMC) provides that community to help men grow professionally, spiritually and personally, explained Steve Solomon, area director of South Florida CBMC. Founded in Chicago in 1930 just two years into the Great Depression, CBMC expanded to Fort Lauderdale in the 1950’s to present the Gospel and develop Christian business and professional men to carry out the Great Commission. In recent months, South Florida CBMC has expanded to include groups in 22 cities reaching from Fort Pierce to South Miami. Perhaps their most well-known […]

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When Good Leaders Lose Their Way

With a Ph. D. in Nutritional Biochemistry from Cornell University in hand, Mark Whitacre worked for Fortune 500 companies Ralston Purina and Degussa (Evonik) before he was hired at Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) at age 32 as president of the BioProducts Division. He was the youngest Divisional President in the history of the company, and in just six years their fermentation complex became one of the largest in the world. He became a Corporate Vice President of ADM and was the leading candidate to become the next company president until poor judgment and high-level corruption brought his world crashing down. […]

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