6 Ways to Engage Your Teen in Healthy Spiritual Rhythms 

With the school bells dismissing kids for summer, the break in normal routine begs the question — how can we, as parents, grandparents, guardians and mentors, use this time strategically to encourage the next generation to engage in healthy spiritual habits in every season?  In OneHope’s Global Youth Culture study, when focusing on data from North America, more than half of surveyed teens said they were Christians, but only 8% displayed traits of engaging in healthy spiritual formation habits, like regularly reading the Bible.  The formative teenage years usher in challenging questions as young people wrestle with direction for their lives, what […]

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Perfectly Imperfect

My mom never uttered empty words — she spoke life and truth everywhere she went. She was a consistent example, full of true wisdom, and had a unique ability to make me smile.  But she could also be…irritably on time…showing up 15 minutes early and then ask me why I was late. Frankly, she didn’t suffer fools very well either, often being impatient when people’s minds didn’t move at the speed of hers. I also always wondered why, with all of her reading and knowledge, her superior intellect, and creative brilliance, she wasn’t as generous as she could have been […]

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How to Spot Potential: The Art of Identifying Future Leaders

2024 — a new year with endless potential. As soon as January hits the scene, dormant goals and aspirations appear.  Beyond the potential to make wise health or financial choices, we have the opportunity as mentors, parents, and friends to call out the leadership potential in others. In 2024, it’s estimated more people from Gen Z will be working full-time than Boomers. With a new surge of young adults entering workplaces, we can be intentional about cultivating their gifts and talents.  I’m often asked, “How do you spot potential in someone who can become a great leader?” While there’s no […]

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Advent: A Season of Anticipation

The term “Advent” is derived from the Latin word “adventus,” which means “coming” or “arrival.” It’s a season of longing, looking forward to the arrival of the Lord.   When we talk about the coming of Jesus during Advent, we encompass three dimensions of this arrival: the past coming, commemorating the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ more than 2,000 years ago; the present coming, signifying God’s entry into our lives when we choose to place our trust in Him; and the future coming, a belief in God’s upcoming return to fulfill His redemptive work and renew all things.   […]

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A Heart of Thanksgiving: Jesus’ Acts of Gratitude

As we gather at the table this year to celebrate Thanksgiving, there are so many challenges happening around the world and maybe even in our own lives and relationships. However, I’ve learned the power of gratitude and how our gratitude can beget more gratitude in others and can then create a chain reaction that changes the atmosphere and attitudes of everyone around us.  This year, I want to focus on how Jesus’ life is full of examples of public displays of gratitude and thanksgiving to God.  As Christians, we continually navigate the beautiful yet complex truth that Jesus is both […]

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The Church in a Digital Revolution: Navigating Digital Missions

I was recently talking to a friend whose father pastors a megachurch in a majority world country. She and her husband had just left to plant a new church focused on the next generation. She explained, “We can’t lead the way my dad did. The very nature of the church has to change.”  She shared the story of a young lady named Camilla, who reached out to her through Instagram and expressed her suicidal thoughts. They met over coffee, and Camilla talked for over an hour about her struggles. Then, she asked if she could be prayed over. So there […]

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What You Should Know About Gen Alpha

As the world continues to advance technologically, the gap between generations is shrinking rapidly. This has a significant impact on how the Church and organizations reach and connect with the younger generations. Generation Alpha, the generation born between 2010 and 2024, is growing up in a world that is vastly different from the one most of the older Gen Z kids experienced. It’s exciting to see the next generation, Gen Alpha, growing up. While there’s still a lot of research to be done to understand them fully, we can approach this as an opportunity to learn and grow together. By […]

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Kick-Start a New Beginning

Let me be honest; I love to eat.  When I was growing up, my family enjoyed gathering around the table and sharing memories over great dishes. Our quality time at home largely consisted of cooking and eating together. Today, it brings me joy to be creative in the kitchen. Trying new recipes and going to new restaurants are some of my favorite pastimes. Even now, when my family travels across the United States and around the world, we can’t wait to try new types of cuisine available to us.    Fasting in the new year Due to this, the spiritual […]

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The Christmas Story: What Gifts Are You Bringing into The New Season?

If you grew up attending church, you’ve probably heard and read about the wise men and their gifts countless times. However, as I was ruminating recently on the story of the magi going to meet Jesus, something stood out to me in a new way.   “When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh” (Matthew 2:10-11 NIV).   These three wise men had seen a […]

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