
Giving Up Childish Ways

“You’re acting like a child.” That statement will usually make any adult continue acting like a child. What is being referred to in such an allegation? It means we are acting out our emotions rather than verbalizing them. In so doing we are harming others or even ourselves. This is a major distinction between the mature and immature – emotionally act out or verbalize. In 1 Corinthians 13 the Apostle Paul deals with the subject of spiritual maturity in regards to our  motives in the use of spiritual gifts. The ultimate spiritually mature motive God desires is love. It is […]

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The Secret to a Balanced Life

“This story is tragic!” said the aviator friend who had just completed his updated next level jet pilot training. During their specialized instruction the pilots were studying the importance of constantly giving attention to all the instrumentation, gauges and indicators on the plane’s control panel. They were told the true story of a jet airliner flying at 35,000+ feet at night about 100 miles out from the airport. After receiving instructions from the air traffic controller, they started to slowly make their descent down through a heavy cloud cluster. This particular pilot was quite experienced, having landed jets hundreds of […]

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BiG Cardio is Back Celebrating 10 Years of Doing Good

BiG Cardio returns on Saturday, May 6 celebrating its 10th anniversary and organizers say it will be better than ever. Produced by BiG Children’s Foundation (BCF), a non-profit organization that provides opportunity and support for at-risk youth, the annual BiG Cardio is a unique blend of all things fitness, sports, cycle and fun. With 10 fitness activities and sports to choose from, and dozens of other attractions, it’s become one of South Florida’s favorite events. Setting it apart from other events BiG Cardio is designed to make fitness a fun activity for everyone at every age. “Perfect for the entire […]

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What’s In Your Heart?

February, Valentine’s Day and love – these thoughts are associated together at this time of year. We assign a wide array of meanings to this word, love. Love carries us to the heights of ecstasy and to the deepest valley of despair. The Bible tells Christians our number one duty is to love God with all our heart as well as loving others as ourselves. Love is to be the purest of motivations (1 Corinthians 13). How can we develop a heart that loves more?   The source of love All human love no matter how sincere is tainted by […]

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Keep The Brain, Body & Spirit Moving

Now with just the two of us, it was time to sell our large family home in the country. We had two acres and plenty of space to be very active with family and friends. But that meant lots of mowing, trimming, weeding, water system maintenance and house upkeep time and expense. The effort and energy no longer made sense. So, we chose a much smaller home in a gated community closer to the grocery, shopping, a clubhouse and many amenities. Downsizing was hard, but what a relief! Our new neighbor was the lead mechanic genius at a local dealership. […]

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One Day At A Time

Anxiety is a major mental health issue. For many it interferes in their daily life. It shrinks their world and makes them prisoners in their own home. Now we stand at the threshold of a new year that will be viewed very differently by the anxious person. What many will see before them is new opportunity and a fresh start. In contrast the anxious person looks forward with fear of all the “what ifs” and worst case scenarios. After a very divisive national election some whose candidate lost are angry, anxious and hopeless. Neither an election nor any other life […]

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Enjoy Holiday Feasts Without Sabotaging Your Health

  A Norman Rockwell painting of Christmas is the expectation that many of us set for a season that should be more about celebrating the greatest gift ever sent, mighty God, who came as a little child. The Bible is full of feasts and celebrations, but how can we as believers in Christ celebrate the holidays in a way that brings glory to God in body, soul and spirit? It is not uncommon for the average American to gain 10 pounds from Thanksgiving to New Year. A few of those pounds may disappear with the resolutions of the New Year, […]

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Factors Impacting Rising Stress Levels

“God does not give you more to do in one day than you can achieve.” I recently heard this quote and have to confess that there are times when I am guilty of adding far more to my schedule than my regular daily responsibilities and the marching orders God gives me in the morning. Overloading can quickly result in a stressful day, and instead of enjoying the 24 hours provided, I can find myself under pressure and missing out on the simple joys of life. Stress is defined as “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from […]

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Micronutrient Deficiencies May Be Dragging You Down

We all dream of growing old with vibrant energy and health. John 10:10 tells us that he came that we may have life and have it abundantly. Sadly some Christians feel as if they are barely keeping their heads above water, with very low energy levels and struggles with sleep disorders or anxiety and depression. These symptoms may be an indication of inadequate nutrition. University research shows that 50 percent of people taking multivitamins are nutritionally deficient, despite supplementation. Micronutrient deficiencies have been linked to inflammation and chronic disease, which affects the mental and physical health of an individual as […]

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Exploring the Body Art Craze

A popular British newspaper recently published an article entitled “These awful tattoos show we’re turning pagan.” It was written by Oxford-educated, Jewish journalist Melanie Phillips, and it quickly got me researching. Nobody can dispute the fact that since the economic downturn of 2008, while small businesses are disappearing, tattoo parlors seem to be appearing on every block. Indeed, statistics show that one in every five Americans now have at least one, if not multiple, tattoos. On learning that tattoo dye had been discovered, during surgery, in the lymph nodes of a friend’s tattooed daughter, I was intrigued to explore this […]

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