
Finding Hope in the Journey

  Each week a small group of people from all walks of life gathers at Christian Life Center in Fort Lauderdale. There are smiles on their faces and friendly chatter as hugs are exchanged around the room. These people are united by one common thread: they have all been touched by cancer. Together they share stories, cry some, laugh a lot and learn to build each other up. Allisha Khan is a survivor. Now in remission, she has found emotional healing by sharing her experience with others. Everett Stringer lost his wife to breast cancer, his son to pancreatic cancer […]

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Sugar’s Sweet Deception

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the mountainous health advice we receive every day? It sometimes seems as if everything is going to send us to an early grave. The sad truth is that our food chain is contaminated, and perhaps one of the most destructive and harmful substances to the human body is sugar. Sugar is considered by many to be more damaging than alcohol or tobacco, and yet we allow our children to consume it on a daily basis. Sugar has been found to be more addicting than cocaine and heroin. Our bodies do their best to metabolize […]

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Taking Steps to Improve Heart Health

Sadly too many of us know families who have lost a loved one suddenly to a heart attack. In fact, heart attack is listed as the number one cause of death and takes a life around every 30 seconds. It is a tragic, shocking event and one that, for the most part, can be prevented by taking good care of our bodies. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Our heart is made up of four chambers and veins and arteries. It consists of connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves and fat but is mostly comprised of cardiac muscle, a unique type […]

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Affordable Care Act Takes a Bite

Some people say that the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is a dog.  Well, for 2016 this dog finally has developed some sharp  teeth.  Maybe you noticed when you did your 2014 taxes this year that you had to pay a small penalty for not having health insurance.  The penalty you will be paying shortly for not having insurance in 2015 may be more than three times  the 2014 amount, and it will more than double in 2016.  Ouch! So what does this mean?  In 2014 if you didn’t have health insurance, you only had to pay a penalty of 1 […]

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10 Simple Ways to Improve your Health

  Who doesn’t want to feel healthy, full of vigor and with an energetic zest for life? God wants us to live the abundant life but all too often failing health hinders our goals and dreams. The Bible refers to our body as a temple of the Holy Spirit, and as my trip to Israel last year reminded me, temples take some consistent maintenance if they are to last for the duration. Doctors told me I would be on medication for the rest of my life, but I would like to share a few simple tips that have helped me […]

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Senior Touchlines Offers Reassurance

  On the road to 100-years-old, Rowena Smith is a sharp-minded senior citizen quick to warn people to not quote her. “You never know what I might say,” Smith quipped. “Being 93 isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.” One of about 250 Broward residents who receive daily calls as part of the 2-1-1 Broward Senior Touchline program, Smith doesn’t have to say much more than “I am ok, thank you” when she receives her personal daily “wellbeing call” from 2-1-1 Broward. The service is free and the calls last only a few minutes. The calls can be a lifeline, […]

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Immunization: Doctors Address Concerns

It’s back-to-school time. And that means checklists: Books and supplies; new outfits or uniforms; lunchboxes, backpacks and thermoses. There are so many things to remember when getting your child ready for the first day of a new school year. But what about immunizations? Did you make sure that your child’s vaccines are up-to-date? August is National Immunization Awareness month. And while there has been much debate over the past several years on the safety of immunizations, pediatricians are making great strides to educate parents on the importance of keeping children up-to-date with vaccines before heading back to school. “In the […]

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A Smile a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Researchers have discovered one of the two types of smiles can have amazing effects on your health and your brain functions. What are the two types of smiles? The first type of smile is the regular, “slightly turn up the corners of the mouth,” pleasant smile. The second type of smile is described by researchers as a full-faced “Duchenne Smile” that includes both the mouth and the muscles around the eyes. I like to call it ‘The Big Smile!’ You’ll discover here that the benefits of developing a Duchenne Big Smile habit are much more than expected. Getting started First, […]

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Choosing Joy Amid Health Issues

When we are young we often see ourselves as invincible, but sometimes our health can become an every present struggle. At 31, happily married with two little girls, aged four and two, life was good. We celebrated no more diapers with a weekend camping trip to the Keys with friends. While others went out on the boat I watched our children in a wooded play area. That evening I noticed that my legs were covered with bites. The following Monday I developed flu like symptoms, followed by a strange pain in my foot. X-rays showed arthritic changes in my toes. […]

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Unexpected Betrayal and Forgiveness

I recently took an incredible trip to the Appalachian Mountains. As I was listening to the wind in the leaves and the pine needles, I was in awe of this beautiful day on a winding mountain path. The view of the mountains was beyond stunning, bathed in brilliant sunlight with a dusting of snow. I wanted to soak up the beauty, store its lushness in a container and keep it deep in my hurting heart. I had come to the mountains to enjoy and celebrate the majestic beauty in front of me and to experience the glory of God. But, […]

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