
Overcome Any Addiction

If you’re addicted, please listen. You may feel like you don’t have it in you – like you’ve tried to get sober and failed. You feel like you’re at war and you’re getting the snot knocked out of you. It feels like you are starving and you have no more supplies, and you’ve been out there forever, fighting. You’re bloody and beaten. And your enemies are coming over the hill charging at you; you feel like they’re going to finish you off. “Would you like to surrender?” You say, “Surrender? But I’m at war here!” Too often our pride, arrogance […]

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What You Need to Know about Eating Disorders

In the United States, eating disorders account for the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. Nearly 24 million people suffer from an eating disorder. Coupons tempt us with cheap, late-night fast-food. Tabloids frighten us with “imperfect” bodies and blurred-out faces. Billboards discourage us with “perfect” bodies offering liposuction. Should we eat or not? Are we supposed to gain or lose weight? We need food to live. Unlike drugs and alcohol, abstinence from food is not an option. Eating disorders seem to be one of the most downplayed illnesses that afflict our country. The three most common types of eating […]

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A Well-Rounded Wheel Keeps Life Balanced

Check email. Check news. Check Facebook. Check Twitter. Check. Check. Check… Finally sit. Then we realize we just need more time. Today, we are so hurried, always in motion, always ready to jump.  Our lives are full of to-do’s. When faced with a task or goal, we tend to focus much of our energy, intelligence, and emotion on them. As we focus heavily in one or a few areas of life, we begin to ignore others causing a great imbalance resulting in frustration and confusion. To avoid this imbalance and its costly effects, we can effectively prioritize our goals and […]

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Three Supplements That Can Change Your Life

In today’s day and age, claims and opinions regarding nutritional supplements are a dime a dozen. Doctor Oz says to take this, your brother-in-law says to take that, and supplement ads everywhere promise energy, strength and nutritional bliss if you will just cough up the $29.99 for their particular product. While it is vital to do your own research and to tailor your nutritional supplementation to your own needs and goals, here are three supplements that are basic and necessary to add to any diet. Vitamin D3 Ah yes, the Floridian lifestyle; the beach, the sun, the weather. Nice, right? […]

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A New Year, a New You

The list of resolutions has been written, to become healthier, to be more active, to cut out the junk food, and the list goes on. Now let’s get moving. Taking on a new you can be an overwhelming task, but it doesn’t have to be. Changing one small thing a day leads to 30 changes in a month. Those small changes will be life altering. Here are a few tips on how to become more active in your daily routine: Use the stairs Opting for the stairs at work instead of the elevator can be a great way to start […]

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Holiday Fitness Tips

For many, the season of unhealthy holiday eating begins all the way back in October with Halloween. Two Snickers bars for the kids, one for mom; five Twizzlers for you, two for me. Then, before you’ve even had time to catch your breath – or loosen your belt – the Thanksgiving eating extravaganza arrives. Immediately after Thanksgiving come seemingly endless Christmas parties, work functions and social events. More food, more cakes, more sweets, more choices. While previous studies suggested that the average weight gain during the holiday season was 5-10 pounds, more current research shows that the reality for most […]

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5 Fitness and Health Myths

Perhaps you have been contemplating starting a new fitness routine. You have bought new sneakers, new workout clothes, and even a new recipe book for your new healthy lifestyle. Then, right as you begin, all your friends, family and co-workers begin to advise you what to do or what not to do. We have heard things such as “women should not lift weights,” and “low/no fat foods are better for you.” Let’s explore some of these common myths in health and fitness and determine what is true and what is not. Myth #1 – “The substitute” Consider this: the average […]

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Paleo… WHAT?

Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig… all diets claim to be the best. The list grows every year, and yet so do the waistlines of an overwhelming number of Americans. While these diet plans serve their respective purposes and are often successful in helping people lose weight, most of them include a shocking amount of toxic chemicals and artificial ingredients. It’s no surprise that the conventional American diet is not working. Statistics show that over a third of Americans 20 years of age and older are classified as obese. The same studies show that when we combine the classifications […]

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How to Go from Couch to Finishline

According to a recent study by the World Health Organization, 5.3 million people die each year as a result of illnesses tied to lack of physical activity including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer and colon cancer. Now is the perfect opportunity to get moving in order to proactively prevent these illnesses, as well as possibly prevent premature death. Follow these simple steps to a get started on a journey to a whole new you! Identify what motivates you You were created to glorify God. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of […]

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The Five Best “No Gym Required” Exercises

“I just don’t have time” or “I can’t afford it.” These are the most common excuses in the physical fitness world. In today’s economically tough times, yes, anything can be expensive; and, yes, most of us lead very busy lives. However, taking control of your health and fitness does not have to be overwhelmingly time consuming or cost any money whatsoever. If you are ready, motivated, and prepared for change, here are five great exercises that can be done starting today, right now, with no driving, gym membership or equipment required. Remember to always warm up before exercising, and concentrate […]

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