
Cultivating God’s Love in a Broken World

At times we may be forced to our knees in our vulnerability. Life is precious like a fragile wildflower. To love life means to love our vulnerability as we reach out and ask for care, support guidance and love. We must remember to capture these moments of our weakness and allow ourselves to dwell in peace and love as we hear our Father say, “You are my Beloved, on you my Favor rests.” To hear this still, small voice requires special effort; it requires silence, solitude and a determination to listen. And we should and we do. If we do […]

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Develop a Heart Healthy Lifestyle

Every year in the U.S., about 600,000 people die from heart disease. That is just about one out of every four deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). February is Heart Health Month. Heart disease is a serious problem in this country that can’t be learned about later; we need to learn all we can about it now to prevent tragedy from striking in the future. Don’t put it off until it’s too late. According to the American Heart Association, heart disease does not just affect middle-aged people; heart disease starts from a young age. The […]

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Set Small Achievable Goals for good Health

Here we go again. It’s New Years Day and once again we are setting ourselves up for failure. Telling ourselves we will lose ten pounds by the end of the month, promising to go to the gym five days a week, probably even hiring a trainer to get a jump start. But, Jodi Krumholz, director of nutrition at the Renfrew Center, an eating disorder treatment facility in Pompano Beach, suggests that to really make a difference this year, it’s all about making small achievable changes. “There is a tremendous amount of disordered eating in the general population,” explained Krumholz. “Often […]

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Enjoy a Healthy Life Balance

We usually associate the Christmas season with words like joy and peace, giving and receiving, happy and merry. Other choice words could be stressful and tiring, packed and rushed, expensive and…perhaps…Aaaaahhhhh! What are the best practices to enjoy a healthy life balance? Actually, our lives are an outward expression of inward living. Jesus’ career assignment was to provide us with a new “power-full” way of inner living that brings amazing order and peace, free from anxiety and chaos. In our Adult Development courses at Trinity International University, we illustrate a healthy life balance with a picture of a tree and […]

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Laughter is Good Medicine

When discouragement causes us to feel depleted, considering the medicinal effects of laughter can prove beneficial. Disappointment is simply a part of our world whether it’s jobs, careers, family, romance, school, church, justice, health or anything else. Life will let us down at some time and on some level. When it does, we may be surprised by the therapeutic results laughter can deliver. My daughters are all grown up now, but I remember marveling how one of my daughters in her youth handled disappointment. It struck me because I thought it unusual for such a young person to redirect hurt […]

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Stress Fractures

As a Christian leadership and business coach, I work with some pretty stressed out individuals. On Monday mornings, I prepare for my clients in a worship walk. I-pod blaring and coffee coursing through me, I am awake, alert and receptive to whatever comes my way. Usually by about 8:30 Monday morning, shortly after I start into my first session, the first rant comes full blast. It’s like they’ve bottled it up all weekend just for their coach. I pray at the start and end of each session, and it’s the assuredness that the Lord has the session in His hands […]

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Unmasking: Overcoming Disappointment, Depression and Discouragement

It was a typical Sunday afternoon on February 23rd when I was notified to pray for the Colford family on the unexpected death of Kirk Colford. In disbelief, I discovered it was an apparent suicide. Like so many, the shock and disbelief flooded my heart with overwhelming grief and confusion. I considered Kirk a wonderful friend for many years. This was my friend who had offered me a temporary office in his State Farm building and who went to great lengths to find me a reliable car when our family van had met its demise. This was the friend who […]

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Get Your Family Moving

Have you thought about how great it would be to include your family in your pursuit to exercise more regularly? Family exercise will improve the health of your loved ones, make exercise more fun and at the same time develop stronger connections between all of you. With a little creativity, you can find a way to make it work for everyone. Fort Lauderdale is home to many green parks, playgrounds and tracks. Why not make the most of them this summer and get out there and start using them to get yourself or your entire family into shape! Visit your […]

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Finding God After Trauma

On a cold Friday night, Shawn volunteered to pick-up a pizza for dinner. When he left the house, he told Susan, his pregnant wife, and their two-year old son, “Hey guys, I’ll be back in twenty minutes with the pizza.” He never came back. Another driver slammed into his car instantly killing Shawn. Susan was suddenly a widow, a trauma survivor and a single mother. Immediately after the accident our church, including our pastors and our women’s ministry leaders, surrounded Susan with love and support. We helped her and her extended family make it through Shawn’s funeral. We brought meals […]

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Health Insurance for College Students

Sending your child off to college has enough challenges; college health insurance doesn’t have to be one of them. In-state college Your child can either be on your family plan (until they are 26) or you can get them their own policy. Some colleges have special plans for their students that make sense, and you can choose from three different options: Buy a short term insurance plan to keep costs low and cover them for up to a year at a time. This may be the lowest cost option but it does not cover pre-existing conditions or preventative care. Choose a […]

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