
Fitness Accountability

Nearly everyone has dabbled in the world of health and fitness to some degree. It may be as small as the fitness-related New Year’s resolutions many of us make, or as intense as training for an Ironman competition. Some people choose to focus on the nutritional aspect of health, while others choose to spend time exercising; typically trying to burn unwanted calories. There are others still who have seemingly mastered the art of health and fitness and have conquered both the giants of eating to fuel their bodies correctly and training their bodies to peak physical performance. Some people prefer […]

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Summer Fitness Ideas

Summertime affords lots of fun and exciting things to do outdoors, preferably in the early morning or early evening. Do so with these fun fitness ideas: Jump rope Burn approximately 11-14 calories a minute with this full body workout: singles, doubles, one-legged, high-knees, running, three-person combos (one in the middle). Running/Jogging/Walking/ Hiking The whole family can do this workout together. Depending on your size and workout intensity, your body will burn approximately 70-120 calories per mile. Find a nice beach, trail or park. Stay hydrated by drinking from your water bottle every five minutes. Bicycle Riding Burn 270-800 calories per […]

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Your Body Does Not Belong to You

Father’s Day is approaching and it is time to speak to the men. (Hint: this article will be totally helpful to women as well, but do not tell the men that!) To all the men out there, especially you guys who are near or over 40, the days when you felt like an invincible warrior may seem so long ago. But there is great news for you! You can feel vigorous and alive, strong and powerful, and full of energy all day long, just like you did in the “glory days” of your teens and twenties. There are some very […]

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Healthy Indulgence

What is your first impression when you think of health food? Do you think of all the good things you must give up? Or maybe you think of boring rabbit food. Certainly you’re not thinking of enjoying the things you’re used to. However, there are ways to stay healthy while at the same time enjoying some of your favorite indulgences. What does it mean to indulge? It means “to yield to, satisfy, or gratify desires or feelings.” Is this entering some forbidden territory for a Christian? Aren’t we supposed to crucify the desires of the flesh? It is a common […]

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I Will Give You Rest

The kingdom of heaven is like… a mustard seed… a hidden treasure… a fishing net. “Jesus always used stories and illustrations like these when speaking to the crowds. In fact, he never spoke to them without using such parables” (Matthew 13:34). A modern day parable The human body is like an automobile. It takes fuel, electricity and intelligence for an automobile to drive. Gasoline is burned as fuel in order to propel the automobile. The battery and alternator provide electricity to start the car, and power all of its electrical components in order to operate. And it takes intelligence to […]

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Fitness Trends

As America accelerates toward a world of media that is completely online, the presence of online fitness programs has steadily increased. A gym membership and expensive exercise machines aren’t necessary to work out, train for a marathon or lose weight. Stop hiding behind excuses like, “I don’t have enough money to pay for a gym membership!” and check out the do-it-yourself, in-house fitness programs below that will challenge you just as much – if not more – as the weights and machines at your local gym. All of the following workouts can be completed in the privacy of your home. […]

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Got Headaches?

Headaches are very common today, yet they are not normal. It’s not normal to have headaches on a regular basis. So what are the common causes of headaches? Tension headaches Tension headaches are very common and can be caused by muscle tension and spasm in the neck and shoulders. Tension headaches can also be caused from dehydration and eyestrain. These headaches can also be brought on by physical and emotional stress. The pain can be severe, and these headaches may be accompanied with nausea. Migraine headaches Migraine headaches are even more debilitating, and can last for days at a time. […]

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Lowering High Blood Pressure

Have you been diagnosed with high blood pressure? Are you looking for ways to lower it naturally? Lowering your blood pressure might be a little bit easier than you think. Here are a few natural things to help you do so: Exercise and fat loss: Blood pressure often increases as your weight increases, so losing weight will help decrease your high blood pressure. Moderate aerobic exercise 4 to 5 times a week for approximately 30 minutes can reduce your blood pressure by 9mm/Hg within just a few weeks. Healthy diet Studies have shown that a diet high in potassium lowers […]

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God’s Health Insurance

When you hear the word “nutrition,” you probably think only about food. But if you want to be completely healthy, biblically healthy, you must broaden this definition; as nutrition is the sum total of everything that contributes to the growth and repair of your body, the elimination of toxins, and your mental, emotional and spiritual vitality. It is all the factors that contribute to your life when your health is running the way God designed it to. With this definition of nutrition in mind, here are 25 nutritional tips for attaining and maintaining true health. You must breathe This may […]

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Healthy and Happy New Beginnings

Over half of the United States population makes resolutions for the New Year but only 8% are successful in keeping them. Losing weight is the most common resolution but is also the least likely to be accomplished. For the New Year, in hopes of helping you stay healthy, happy and fit, here are some fresh recipe ideas to keep you on the right path to achieving your goals. Sweet and Tangy Salad Yield: 8 servings 1 Large Pineapple, cored and chopped 2 Ripe Mangoes, chopped 2 Large Cara Cara Oranges, segmented 3 Bananas, sliced ½ Cup Pomegranate seeds ½ Cup Sliced […]

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