
The Challenges of Physical Intimacy In Marriage

Over the years of working in the relationship education arena, I’ve found that most of our challenges are relatively common in that many of us struggle with the same issues. Satan deceives us into believing we’re the only ones struggling with the particular problem, and then we isolate ourselves because we’re either too embarrassed or ashamed to reach for help.  To remove the stigma of asking the questions that make us uncomfortable and vulnerable, we decided to host an online “After Hours” Q & A with our LivetheLifeSoFlo Instagram account. We go live every Wednesday at 9:00 pm. During the […]

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Good News Wants to Know… – Cuba

As people seek freedom from the communist regime in Cuba, the uprising is impacting all of us as many in Cuba are without food and starving. Here in South Florida we see public demonstrations, and we all have friends, family or co-workers with roots in Cuba. Good News Wants to Know…  What are your feelings and how is this situation personally impacting you? I was born in Caracas, Venezuela, which has become socialist/communist under Chavez and Maduro. We have family and friends that live there still, and we have friends who came from Cuba and lost everything when they had […]

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Assumptions-What You Said Is Not What I Heard; What You Did Was Not What I Saw

We process most communication based on what we know about the person communicating. We make positive or negative assumptions based on our personal experience with them or on the credibility of their reputation or the person or organization who made the introduction. If our experience has been negative, we will filter the person’s message through a negative lens. We’ll assume the worst. If our experience has been positive, we will assume the best even when the words don’t match. I have a friend who regularly says things that, although well-intended, come across as judgmental. Many times I’ve said, “They didn’t […]

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When The Test Comes, It’s To Sharpen Your Faith

“Keep the faith, trust God and he will let his presence be known” is all I was ever told. Who Am I? My name is Jeanna Huie, but you can call me 312. It is such an amazing honor to be in such a divine moment to share my story with some of the world’s greatest people such as yourself. I know that if we were to switch roles, you would have so much wisdom, strength and motivation to pour into me. I’m quite sure your road was built with road blocks, construction sites and dead ends. However, You have […]

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The Pace of Grace

Each season (winter, spring, summer, fall) has a brief window that we look forward to. It’s appreciated, and then at some point we arrive at a place that we are thankful for the next season to come along. For me it’s summer leading into fall. There is something about those dog days of summer that can seem grueling here in the tropics. But when the first whiff of cool air comes or the humidity drops as you exit your house that first morning of fall, you sense a change of seasons. Oh, how good it is! Whatever your preference, the […]

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What Are You Afraid Of?

When someone asks me what I’m afraid of, the song “Spiders and Snakes” by Jim Stafford always comes to mind. I can hear the tune and sing the lyrics of a boy walking a girl home named Mary Lou. They stop at a water hole, and as typical of a young boy, he picks up a frog and shakes it at her. She responds with “I don’t like spiders and snakes and that ain’t what it takes to love me. I wanna be loved by you.” Everyone has a fear of something. I’m afraid of spiders, snakes and heights. As […]

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Forgiveness Is Required

Last month we addressed the impact of trust or lack thereof on our relationships, and that trust is a gateway to love. As is often the case when praying and pondering about writing this article, I usually have to experience what I’m writing. Candidly, sometimes I tell God I don’t want to write about “that subject” because I know he’ll expose me to the cracks and crevices and sometimes caverns of my brokenness and require me to experience or revisit some element of the subject. So, this month we’ll move from trust to forgiveness. And yes, both topics I’ve experienced […]

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Dealing with Relationship Cancer: Anger

Some children hear the word “No” and they become frustrated or argue. They are disappointed, but they remain in control. Other children hear the same word and explode into rage. Some adults can discuss differences of opinion and work through conflict. Other adults only need to be inconvenienced the least bit on the highway and they explode into rage. It is all about anger! Anger is arguably the most debilitating relationship cancer there is. When a parent sees rage explode out of their child, there is a feeling of helplessness. When an adult sees rage erupt from their spouse, fear […]

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What’s the one thing in your closet you would never throw away?

During the New Year, there’s a tendency to purge the old and bring in something new.  With that in mind, Good News Wants to Know… What’s the one thing in your closet you would never throw away? Why? One thing I would never throw away. My 9/11 items. Crazy; my shoes worn in the pit during the WTC cleanup. Covered in “dust,” wrapped in a bag — seemed like we walked on holy ground. Also saved news articles and a hat remembering FDNY firefighter, Michael Ragusa. Karen Granger, Community Relations Director, Palm Beach County, 4KIDS Palm Beach An ancient athlete always has something […]

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Trust Builds Love

For months we’ve had rioting in the streets, elections at the highest level in our nation inundated with accusations of fraud, churches fractured over leadership decisions, a news media that’s increasingly biased by personal opinion, a pandemic that’s gripped the world, and a tragic suicide bombing on Christmas morning.  Fear and lack of trust are rampant. How did we get to this point? Satan. Satan always aims at trust when he wants to divide because trust affects love. The more intimately we trust someone, the more capacity we have to love them. The less we trust them, the harder it […]

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